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X5 - Which E variant do I have

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 11:29 pm
by X5-D-Sport
Hi from West Midlands UK from Grant.

I have a 2004 Diesel Sport Auto...  I need to get it serviced.

Need to work out which "E" model it is & the Engine & Gearbox & Air filters it requires..... anybody help plz ??

Had a quick peep & wondering where the engine air filter actually is ?

Does it have a pollen filter ? where is it ?

Many thanks

Grant B

Re: X5 - Which E variant do I have

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:32 am
by X5Sport
E53.  M57TUD30 engine 218bhp.

Air filter is below the covers on the left side.  You need to take the various covers off to get at it.  There's a how to on here somewhere....the black cover around the oil cap is the one you need to remove after the acoustic covers are off....

Pollen filter is at the back of the engine bay by the inlet grills and again needs covers removed to get at it.  It's horizontally mounted.  You can just see the twist clips at the back of this image......

Oil filter is opposite side of the engine from the oil cap as shown in this view with the cover removed.....

Gearbox is a ZF 6-speed and the filter is inside.  Read up on gearbox oil changes before you do it so you understand the pros and possible cons.

Re: X5 - Which E variant do I have

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:39 pm
by X5-D-Sport
many thanks for the pics..

job done now.

now im hunting out the start point of the egr exhaust tube... any info ??

Re: X5 - Which E variant do I have

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:33 pm
by X5Sport
Could be direct off the exhaust manifold, so other side of the engine.

The EGR is front right of the second engine pic.  Silver block, immediately left of the PAS reservoir/filler.

Where does the cap go?


Re: X5 - Which E variant do I have

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:41 pm
by X5-D-Sport
Hi Richard,

I got the cap from ebay, it goes between the manifold & the pipe as a blanker plate.

I did also buy an EGR replacement pipe, but the wrong pipe arrived unfortunately, so will bash the guts out of the existing EGR unit & knock out the valve assembly & plug with a slug of epoxy resin, remove the exhaust input pipe altogether & fit the blanker to the exhaust manifold when I find the manifold connection later.  Also will pop a small bolt into the vacuum tube to seal that too.