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X6 aluminium sill's corroding / pitting

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:23 pm
Firstly big hi from me to everyone.

Has any one else had this issue  :( I'm using  specified BMW cleaner but it's becoming a pain in the r's

has any one had success with BMW outlet wrt them addressing issue or have you to been told not covered by warranty?????????? cause I didn't by into cleaning every two days >:( in winter, thought initially it was salt from winter use but told by Arnold Clark Abdn dust from brake pads causing issue here's some cleaner live with it basically.


Re: X6 aluminium sill's corroding / pitting

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:33 pm
by kjb1
That looks particularly bad!! looks nasty if honest.  Try a scouring pad to atleast lift the corrosion out, then alloy wheel cleaner neat at the same time as scouring! 

Re: X6 aluminium sill's corroding / pitting

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:40 pm
by Raj
I used wonder wheels with a green sponge. Came up a treat. You can then try sealing them with poor boys wheel sealant or similar. Someone did mention vaseline I think.

Re: X6 aluminium sill's corroding / pitting

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:42 am
by 535dboy
Someone did mention vaseline I think.

I think PVR and X5 sport were talking about something else at that point though...............