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Quick scanner question

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:24 pm
by J8NWK
Evening chaps,

Another quick one for you, I've been wondering why the aux heating hasn't been getting warm on the car the last few mornings so I did some searching on here and found I have actually been using the aux ventilation, my bad !

Anyway this lead me to wanting to enable the aux heating now that it's getting frosty and for this I need a scanner, the ones from china are all going to take ages to get here so could someone have a look at the one below and tell me if it should do the job ?

As I say I just want to do some basic bits, the heater, auto locking etc... ... 3cd85226d9

Thanks !


Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:51 pm
by sonny007
Not sure about the heater, but auto car locking is a yes

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:41 am
by J8NWK
Ok thats a pain, what would I need to do the heater bit then ?

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:57 am
by fenj66
the scanner you linked to looks the same as my chinese one!  :D

enabling aux heating is easy peasy on the scanner, just a tick box.  but doesnt mean it will actually work on the car. i and most others have had a pig of a job getting it to finally work.
but others have claimed it worked straight away! so you could be lucky.

there are some very long threads discussing this problem if you do a search.

good luck with it.  :)

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:59 am
by J8NWK
Thanks, I've read a bit about the issues but I've got to try, I know it's working because it starts when the car is running so I'm hoping for the best.

What's all this about having to solder some pins to get it to programme ?

And should it do the other basics, auto locking etc ?

Thanks !

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:19 pm
by fenj66
just because it starts when engine running in cold weather doesnt mean it will work as a parked car heater with aux heat enabled. although its a good sign that your webasto is in working condition!.
ive heard others mention soldering pins on the scanner but dont know what thats about, mine worked fine straight away.
yes, im sure you can program auto door locks amongst others... :)

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:42 pm
by J8NWK
Ideal, best get one ordered then.

Thanks !

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:21 pm
by Smeeagain
mine worked straight way too - post back and let us know how you get on

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:15 pm
by Ubatoid
I looked into to this a while back when I was looking at the option of fitting one to my 4.4 petrol. It's a while back but I don't think it's as easy as just coding it to work. I seem to remember that there was an auxiliary water valve  was needed and a bit of extra wiring.

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:32 pm
by jaynana
re the scanner, the one you've linked to says its compatible with E53, similar to what i got, so wouldn't need any soldering.

re getting your aux heater enabled, on most models if all you want is for the aux heater to work when manually enabled or on the timer on the obc, all you need is to enable it with teh scanner.

however, we've heard of a variant in the plumbing design where the system can get its knickers in a twist and go into a fault mode! fortunately that model is rare so the chances is it should work.

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:44 pm
by J8NWK
Thanks for the reply, a fault mode doesn't sound great though, what's the remedy then ? Just revert the setting back to how it was before ?

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:38 pm
by jaynana
the type that gets into a fault mode is very rare. ppl have been doing this for ages without an issue, its that rare. also i don't have it so am the wrong person to advise, but here's a clue:

Post 134, 135 here explains suspected reason for the lockout, tbh i'm not sure because even i don't have that valve and mine doesn't lockout.

if you manage to get it into a lockout state due to this issue, getting it resolved is a nightmare, documented here, post 496.

if i were u i'd try reaching out to ALN X5 who had this issue and resolved it, failing which (not seen him around for a while i think?) given that its a rare variant, i'd go for it. worst case you can learn a whole heap more about coding your car which is how u get it resolved lol

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:43 am
by J8NWK
I've attempted to read and understand all of that but it gets bloody complicated !

I have the webasto layout what only has the 1 electric valve unit to split water to the matrix sides, doesn't seem to be the one to close off the water to the engine.

From what I've read though the fault on X5 ALN's car seemed to be a pcb fault, correct ?

I'm still a little confused as to wether I can just reverse the setting change should it not work ? Does the fault cause other issues or just that you can't use aux heat ?

Cheers !

Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:54 am
by jaynana
I've attempted to read and understand all of that but it gets bloody complicated !

welcome to the webo world :)

I have the webasto layout what only has the 1 electric valve unit to split water to the matrix sides, doesn't seem to be the one to close off the water to the engine.

likewise and the confusing thing is so was X5 ALN's. mine like most ppls didn't lockout, his did.

From what I've read though the fault on X5 ALN's car seemed to be a pcb fault, correct ?

correct, but if you read through, before getting there, first he also enabled aux heating in the obc, which got it into a lockout state. getting the webo fixed was one thing but getting the lockout cleared was the nightmare!

I'm still a little confused as to whether I can just reverse the setting change should it not work ?

not easy - that's the nightmare part, sent a link on the reversing in the previous post (a bit cryptic but i think he documented the process in another post - just couldn't find it, you'll have to search for it). involves getting into the car's coding. (which is not a bad thing btw, i do it, many others do it, it opens up a new world of possibilities).

Does the fault cause other issues or just that you can't use aux heat ?

no it just locks out the webo. car will work without webo. said that, its there for a purpose - to heat up teh engine when outside temp is <= 5c or thereabouts. if webo is locked out it wouldn't do that. results:
- car will still work, will get longer to get to ideal temp, especially in traffic with idling.
- it will take longer to heat up the interior even in a normal 'get in, start the car and drive away', as the heater matrix takes longer to heat up without webo supplement heat.


Re: Quick scanner question

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:57 am
by jaynana
in summary i'd say the risk is low. if i were u i'd just go for it. i did, like many others.

don't tell me though if it fails lol