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Dsc in active plus clunking noise on selecting drive or reverse

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:30 am
by Langs77
Hey guys I have had my x5 4.6 changed the rear subframe bushes,discs,pads,rear shocks as I was told the clunking when going into drive or reverse was worn out bushes ,but now fixed the clunking still there and the brake pressure now low and I'm told I should keep driving to build up the pressure.

Another problem is when I drive the car first thing in the morning they are no dsc,abs,traction lights ,but after a few mins the rear left makes knocking noise like locking itself then the dsc inactive message comes up on the dashboard as i accelerate over 20mph ,my speedo remains working,cruise working despite the lights,any suggestions guys or if you know someone who can do a better job ,have paid lots of money bmw main dealer and others who claim to be independent dealers

Worried please help

Re: Dsc in active plus clunking noise on selecting drive or reverse

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:49 am
by Greydog
If you just had a clunk before and these symptoms have surfaced since the work was done I would question what the garage actually did?
Was it a BMW dealer or Specialist that carried out the work? Did they make the original diagnosis?

Re: Dsc in active plus clunking noise on selecting drive or reverse

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:51 am
by X5Sport
What do you mean by 'low' brake pressure?  Lots of pedal travel, or ineffective brakes?  A suggestion to keep driving to 'build up the pressure' sounds a very odd suggestion to me.

Lots of travel usually means air in the system and as you have new brake linings that could be a cause of ineffective brakes.  Linings take a hundred miles or so to bed in to the discs.  I would hope the discs were cleaned too in case of any grease on the new ones!

The DSC warning could be a bad/damaged sensor on one of the wheels - and caused by the repairer!

The 'clunk' could equally be in the transmission if everything else has been correctly changed and tightened up.


Re: Dsc in active plus clunking noise on selecting drive or reverse

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:16 am
by Langs77
The clunking was there before the repairs and the bush repair was to fix the problem ,but still clunking when going into drive or reverse jerking forward and backwards a bit excessive .regarding the brakes they are breaking but sponge and been told to drive till the pressure builds hope so as it could be master cylinder ,but before the brake bleeding they were fine


Re: Dsc in active plus clunking noise on selecting drive or reverse

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:44 am
by X5Sport
Sounds like the brakes need bleeding, and this time using the correct procedure which needs the ABS unit 'cycling' and needs specialist equipment if any air got in.  Dealers have the kit, and BMW Specialist Indy's ought to have it too, but not all do.

Any location as to where the 'clunk' is coming from?


Re: Dsc in active plus clunking noise on selecting drive or reverse

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:36 am
by Langs77
Thanks Richie its excessive jerking forward when going in drive  ,may be not really clunking noise hope that helps

Re: Dsc in active plus clunking noise on selecting drive or reverse

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:33 pm
by shadrack
brakes will need bleeding, i had an indy bleed mine and he didnt do it right so pedal was still awfull, spongy and long travel but better than they were, then took it to another indy who did the job properly, is the jerking gearbox related