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Tailgate problem

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:43 am
by Ham6506
My 2010 X5 is not fitted with the electric tailgate option.

When I close the upper tailgate it often does not perform the soft closing action.

When I pull it down there is usually a second electronic movement that closes the gate securely.

Whilst this works sometime, often it does not and the tailgate is left partly open and rattles.

Is anyone familiar with this problem and does it need to go back to the dealer for repair?

Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:41 am
by Don Coffey

I've not heard of the problem before, but as you say the tailgate isn't closing correctly every time and given the rattle, then yes it needs to go to the dealers.


Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:44 am
by Ham6506
Thanks Don,

I find I'm having to slam the tailgate in order for it to close properly.

Am I correct in saying that I should simply close the tailgate and then there is a second electronic movement to tightly close it. I'm not describing it very well but almost like a soft close mechanism....

Does that make sense?

Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:26 am
by ChrisLux
You shud just have to press it very gently and the tailgate does the rest and draws it in tightly shut .
I was told when first bought mine never to slam it , or even drop it from height as can damage the
mechanism , so there's definately something wrong .

Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:32 am
by Ham6506
Thanks ChrisLux,

I thought that was the case.

I'm trying to see if there is a pattern. I've just been out in the car and then got something out of the boot and it was fine. It closed as you described.

I'm thinking it may happen when I've not started the engine eg. I pop to the car just to get something out of the boot and then when I close it the second electronic movement does not occur....

Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:45 am
by Don Coffey
On a couple of occasions when trying to open the boot from inside the car using the button on the dash it failed to open, but that was a few months ago and all fine since so just a glitch.  Unless it happens every time, you know it won't happen at the dealers and they will just shrug their shoulders and say "nothing we can do mate".


Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:52 pm
by villageidiot
What you are describing sounds very similar to the fault I had except my x5 has the powered tailgate. The problem was fixed by fitting a new latch , part was about £50 , I don't think my one being powered would matter as the latch looks like any latch on any car . The ecu wasnt getting the correct message from the latch that it was being released .

Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:44 am
by dave
I am having issues at the moment, I had the Trakker serviced two days ago the guy came out pratted about for about two and a half hours then came to the door and said "all sorted", I didn't use the car that day but the morning after I had to nip out, I noticed the park assist wasn't rite and as I drove away the tailgate warning light came on, I stopped to close it but it wouldn't close properly the "soft close" didn't happen, I phoned Trakker and they sent the guy back, he touched a couple of wires and said "I cant fix this its nothing I have done" so I phoned Trakker back and now its booked in with my local BM dealer for a diagnostic check if they find it is connected to the service job they will pay if not its another bill for me to foot !!  >:(

Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:36 pm
by villageidiot
Sounds very similar , first problem I had was when the tailgate would not close , about 3 weeks later it would not open , it was the latch .

Re: Tailgate problem

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:20 pm
by dave
Got mine sorted now BMW put it on diag.machine cleared the fault and its working fine, Trakker said its nothing to do with what they did and then agreed to pay the £80 for the diag.test  ???