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XSeries-forum • X5 from M5 Hello all
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X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:56 pm
by Neptune
Just a quick note to say hello as I have just registered.
Collecting my 2010 Black X5 3.0d M Sport on Saturday, part exchanging my 2006 E60 M5 against it.

My reasons for changing to the X5 from M5
Location - Living out in the North Oxfordshire wastelands the roads are not up to much and sadly this is really not the country to own a V10 performance car.
Safety - The X5 has got to be a safer bet for the family.
Space - Needed with a 1 year old.
Fuel - Hoping that the X5 fuel consumption will be a little more forgiving.
Security - I worried all the time where I parked the M5. I know the X5 can also be a target but not as much so ... I hope.
Tax - £280 against a rediculous £475.

Really looking forward to driving the X5
First thing is to get some new winter rims and tyres ready for November...

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:10 pm
by Sanj
Welcome to the forum - got any M5 pics you can share with us while we wait for delivery of the X5?

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:22 pm
by Neptune

Images added
The plate was previous owner before transfering my M5 XXX plate.
Its going to be interesting what the dealer puts it up for on their forcourt ?

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:37 pm
by 535dboy
Sorry to hear of your loss!

Which part of the roads will be better in an X than an M?
Why do you think an X is safer than an M?
How big is your 1 year old to need such a big car?
You'll need to find bigger parking spaces to fit an X in than M!

Granted tax and fuel will be marginally cheaper!

Welcome BTW!!!

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:06 pm
by Neptune
Its going to be an emotional hand over on Saturday...
Some of the B roads around where I live are no better than dirt tracks with a smear of tarmac here and there, government us of £475 road tax a year. A good number of single track lanes, where meeting an on coming car means driving up the bank to pass or reversing some distance. I wasnt too happy climbing over the countryside in a M5.
The tyre choice on a M5 is based entirely on performance where as I didn't buy a X5 for its performance so tyre choice is more open. We all have to deal with the state of our pot holed UK roads living with them is alot down to tyre choice.
Safety... they are both similar ratings to be honest, the X5 is ahead in side impact which is important with a kid in the back. I tended to drive the M5 a little too quick on occasions so part of the safety benifits will be me driving slower.
He's standard 1 year old size, women seem to think they need to take every conceivable gadget and child accessory just for a week away.
I never parked the M5 between cars it was always the car out in the corner of the car park on its own... OCD or what!!  ::)

I will miss the M5 but not the worry of what every single new noise might be a +£2.5k clutch repair is always on your mind with the E60 M5 even with just 33k on the clock.

Thanks for the welcome.

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:12 pm
by 535dboy
Great reply!

You are more than welcome here now.

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:13 pm
by AW8
535dboy is an ex X5 owner if you didn't guess.....

Fwiw I think the latest 330 Xdrive touring is worth consideration for those buying new and maybe into a financed whole package ..... I would seriously consider one if in the market. Then again I like the latest x3 too - this site not just about X5's

Hope you are happy with your choice once cars changed

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:15 pm
by 535dboy
535dboy is an ex X5 owner if you didn't guess.....


Are you an ex smoker yet?

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:17 pm
by AW8
Posted above before seeing your reply and counter response from 535dboy - good and well reasoned reply as acknowledged by our sometimes misunderstood resident cynic ;)

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:19 pm
by AW8
Yes I am an ex- smoker :) I now use something else - not crack btw ;)

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:20 pm
by Neptune
Thank you.
It will be interseting if the E60 M5 will become a collectors car in years to come as the Z3 M coupe is slowly becoming. Time to move on and enjoy the X5.

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:21 pm
by 535dboy
Yes I am an ex- smoker :) I now use something else - not crack btw ;)

I wondered where pvr had been ......

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:24 pm
by 535dboy
Thank you.
It will be interseting if the E60 M5 will become a collectors car in years to come as the Z3 M coupe is slowly becoming. Time to move on and enjoy the X5.

I think the engine was quite something but the rest less so. Sold in big(ish) numbers too which takes the edge off .

I had a Z3M vert t-bone the pit wall on the last track day I was on a couple of weeks a go. That is one less to worry about!

Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:26 pm
by Pope
Welcome along Neptune.

Don't take dboy to seriously, we all know he's really missing his X, since trading down to that other Germanic marque... ;)

As for thieving scum and their favourite targets. I believe the E70 X5 is the most stolen car in the UK.  :blink:

As for fuel economy, you should get high 20's to low 30's mpg.

The X5 M sport is also quite a harsh ride on all but billiard smooth tarmac too (the SE rides the bumps a bit better).

However, for all its faults, i still find myself jumping in my X5, in preference to my 635 (even though the 6 is faster and gives much better MPGs).


Re: X5 from M5 Hello all

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:27 pm
by 535dboy
Yes I am an ex- smoker :) I now use something else - not crack btw ;)

I wondered where pvr had been ......

I use this http://m.imgur.com/a/Cfwm6

Is that safe to click on, I know what dodgey sites you go on