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Need some help un-bricking my trans ECU

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:08 am
by more_fasterer
Hi all,

I've managed to brick my trans ecu when trying to flash the v46.3 daten to it using Winkfp 5.1 in comfort mode. I need to use Winkfp in expert mode to fix it, but both the v46.3 and v41 daten files that I have are missing the program, data and naab files (which have the file extensions .PAF / .0PA / .0DA / .BAF / .0BA) that normally sit in the C:\EC-Apps\NFS\DATA\Develop folder.

Does anyone have a copy of these files they could send me? Any help greatly appreciated.

Re: Need some help un-bricking my trans ECU

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:41 am
by more_fasterer
I got this sorted in the end. I was provided with a copy of the v50.2 daten files, which had the necessary flash data files I've referred to above.  The end result was the same though, the ECU would refuse to be flashed in WinKFP.

In desperation, I went to see my auto electrician mate, who has a GT1 and Progman v37. Updating the module using his setup had the desired effect.  Go figure... I think I will stick with coding from this point forward!