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Webasto smoke issue

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:11 pm
by toejam23
Hi all

My Webasto hasnt worked since i got it so i sent the PCB off to be repaired.

Finally got my Webasto PCB board back today and possibly repaired, but when i put it in to try it out and turned it on via the obc huge amounts of white stinky smoke came up out of the engine bay somewhere and into the cabin through the vents!!!!!
I quickly switched it off and pulled the fuse but crapping myself now incase a fire breaks out, what the hell do i do if one does???
Or is this cos it hasnt fired up in ages, possibly years (only had the car 2 months) and its full of crap?



Re: Webasto smoke issue

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:08 pm
by Steamyrotter
Sounds like you have an excess of fuel in the heater and associated crud..

Mine did this after i was testing the webasto fuel pump...
Smoked for approx 2 mins after that whilst it burnt off the excess fuel.

Try it with the bonnet open and see where it comes from.

Re: Webasto smoke issue

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:19 pm
by toejam23
To be honest Steamyrotter I'm not sure I've got the nuts to try it again. I've been staring at the car for the last 2 hours with the bonnet open to see if anymore smoke comes up. Surely where there's smoke there's fire?!?

Can't be certain but it looked like it was coming from deep within the engine bay, way below the Webasto. Surely all smoke/exhaust should go straight out of the Webasto own little exhaust under the passenger door? Why did the car fill with smoke too?

Re: Webasto smoke issue

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:42 pm
by X5Sport
AC vents are right by it so it would not take much for the smoke to get in.  Have you got the bonnet up now?

Not much fun!!

What you could do is put power on Pin 1 on top of the unit and see if the unit will fire up.  I did this with mine using a needle down the side of the pin and a wire from the jump point to the needle.  It sounds very much like there is too much fuel in there and until it's burned off it will pour diesel smoke - which is how the Red Arrows generate smoke in their displays after all.

If you are standing beside it you can at least see where the smoke is emanating from - could be a split in the exhaust for the webasto.  As it goes straight down if I remember, the smoke will go downwards anyway, and it's heavier than air so will sink.  Any one of the ac fans could have pulled the smoke into the car.


Re: Webasto smoke issue

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:08 am
by jaynana
you could pull out the exhaust from under the webo and connect a hose to it temporarily and fire up teh webo to see if that's where the smoke is coming from.

once you know, you can figure out if the silencer has a split somewhere etc..

i'd go there only after trying waht has been already said... because from memory you may have to first remove some of the webo plumbing to pull the exhaust out.