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How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:27 pm
by Nat

Been reading the forum , and this is an extract from the X6 Problems forum.................

" They are going to leave a copy of the fault log in the car for me so that in the event of a repeat occurrence there is a hard copy of the errors seen.  The car logs 32 parameters from the last 40 drive cycles, but I don't have details of all of them.  Suffice to say speed is one of them, others include temps, pressures, fuel system, rpm, gearbox operation, electrics etc etc."

How much data/information does an E70 record. Furthermore can they tell how you have been driving it ?
What else can they tell ?
Data logging is obv usefull for fault finding, but not sure i want to be surrepticiously monitored.



Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:38 pm
by X Box
I don't know the exact answer but I'd imagine most, if not all, modern cars log a certain amount.

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:44 pm
by JimmySpeed
Yes they log alot of data. They can certainly tell if you have exceeded the rev limiter, "money shifted", used launch control alot etc etc.

I'm sure that with the data such as temps, injector speeds, speed, rpms, pressures, turbo boost levels etc, they can basically paint a picture of how hard a car has been driven.

But they can't monitor you unless you give them the car to retrieve the info. If you are in a warrantee'd car then you have little choice, but thats exactly when such info comes in handy for them as they have successfully rejected claims in the past when the car has been money-shifted.

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:47 pm
by Horizon
You can plug a data logger into the OBD slot and leave it in for as long as you need to , depends on the size of its memory / SDCard, it stores all the data you have mentioned and  can be read via the relative software on a PC.
We do a lot of data logging on our equipment at work.
They showed the data logger in use on Wheeler Dealers, on the Saab 93 vert episode. I think there's had a pen drive  type memory.

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:16 pm
by huck
As mobilejo has said, they pretty much have access to anything.

At least a couple manufacturers that I know if have used this info to refuse claims. I've heard of it with VW with clogged DPFs due to short journeys. My own experience was with my E70 which I never knew if it would start after not driving it for 3-4 days. Plugged in at useless dealership and computer said 'unfavourable driving profile'. They told me they could tell how long our journeys were, what temps and speeds the car got up to etc.

(As an aside, the fault was due to some module draining the battery. Only took them the best part of a year to figure but out, and that's after I told them to check it after doing my own research. Grrrrr)

Huck (iPhone mode!)

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:09 pm
by petert
Mobilejo - never come across the term 'Money Shifted'.  Can you enlighten please?
Peter T

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:28 pm
by JimmySpeed
Its one of my favourite terms. Its merely when you downshift too far by accident and destroy the engine as a result i.e. 6th to 2nd.

Not come across it happening on any UK forums but saw quite a few cases on US e90 forums when I had an e90. Over-enthusiastic yanks missing the intended gear slot and then banging the gear stick into place (the wrong slot) with such force that their engines died.

I'm sure it has a proper name but the yanks call it money shifting. IDK for certain but probably because when you do it, it costs alot of money to fix. Or maybe its like [yank accent] "BOOM! Thats the money shift" [yank accent] like money shot.

Some fun reading for you

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:00 am
by petert
Thanks - hadn't come across that term before - very evocative!  Have come close to doing this on a couple of occasions in previous manual transmission cars, but never caused instant engine failure!
Peter T

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:02 am
by Nat
RE money shift.....................that was standard procedure in the old days.

Rain/greasy road...............approach left hand turn  ( in MK1 RS 2000 with LSD)  too fast.......when ready down shift from 4th straight into 2nd........bang the clutch out whilst provoking oversteer.............back wheels lock , ( this acts like a handbrake turn) the right moment bang the throttle open, apply opposite lock and complete turn a la ari vatenen................those were the days.
Car never broke either.........maybe they were tougher in those days. Opel manta's, chevettes would do the same..................just showing my age now.

You have broght back fond memories...................



Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:09 am
by JimmySpeed
RE money shift.....................that was standard procedure in the old days.

Rain/greasy road...............approach left hand turn  ( in MK1 RS 2000 with LSD)  too fast.......when ready down shift from 4th straight into 2nd........bang the clutch out whilst provoking oversteer.............back wheels lock , ( this acts like a handbrake turn) the right moment bang the throttle open, apply opposite lock and complete turn a la ari vatenen................those were the days.


That sounds like alot of fun.

Don't be trying that in an e90 M3 though - ask the guy that started the thread I linked to why not  :))

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:04 pm
by 535dboy
Its one of my favourite terms. Its merely when you downshift too far by accident and destroy the engine as a result i.e. 6th to 2nd.


Also known as "buzzing" the engine

Re: How much data do these cars record ?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:42 pm
by Drpellypo
A friend of mine bought a brand new evo a few years back. He used to drive it like he nicked it, constantly. His dif went after something like 6 months and when he went in for warranty fix they said 'you've had this on a track.' They were adamant and said they had sufficient evidence to prove such, so they'd obviously downloaded data that stated it had been driven really hard.