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Unrealistic MPG in obc

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:30 am
by X5LeMans
What a cheek. My obc has been displaying crazy mpg, not backed up by results from road trip app and manual fuel calculations.

Getting around 27mph mostly town driving. But the obc has been claiming 35.7

It's not that in unhappy with the actual but wondered why the computer was so far out.

Unlocked my obc and checked test 20. Cheeky previous owner. The correction factor was set to 776 instead of 1000.

Reset the factor back to 1000 and now the computer is spot on. :)

Know I know my real mpg perhaps I will get the balanced economy plus performance remap done :)

Re: Unrealistic MPG in obc

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:33 am
by Raj
Very cheeky of previous owner. I'm guessing it was for when they were looking to sell to try and deceive prospective buyers into thinking a lot more economic. As you say it's not like the mpg you're actually getting us that bad.

Re: Unrealistic MPG in obc

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:54 pm
by X5LeMans
Still loving the car. It's a good drive. A few problems like a leaky back door. It's the vapor barrier as I can see water dripping out of the door trim.

The joys of a second hand car. But I am very happy.

Think the front bushes are a bit worn too. A slight klunk during emergency breaking.

Re: Unrealistic MPG in obc

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:01 am
by macca
can that be done through the dash??

hold rh button and pulse through etc or do you need an external reader

Re: Unrealistic MPG in obc

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:10 am
by scooby1doo1
Yes can be done through the cluster, needs high OBC and needs unlocking.
Google will tell you its been a long time since I unlocked mine, once unlocked it will stay unlocked unless you lock it or remove battery.
Just from memory you need to add up the last 6 I think vin numbers, if the add up to say 20 then this is the unlocking code.

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