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Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:32 pm
by Lummox
Hi new boy here, Just bought my first X5 and I now wonder why i left it so long, I have had quite a few of Germany's finest over the years but they were all saloons, E39 535, E38 735, E39 540 sport and an E60 M5 but this is my first X-wagon. I used this site among others to do a lot of research prior to making the purchase and decided on the E53 4.8is. In the short time (6 weeks) that i have owned this vehicle i have fallen in love with it. When i bought it, it did have a few issues but i am working my way slowly through them.ImageImage

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:35 pm
by Lummox
For the more observant among you, I just bought a set of 22" alloys for her today, hence the different wheels between the two photo's.


Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:37 pm
by Tweaky
Congratulations on your new purchase, hope you have many happy miles.  There are lots of useful info and tips on here, I certainly have learnt a great deal  :)

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:41 pm
by X Box

Nice car.

What issues have you had to deal with?

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:43 pm
by X5Sport
Hello and  :hi:

The V8 Crew will be glad of another member to stave off the hoard of oil burning cars....... :)


Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:56 pm
by Pope
Thats a nice looking ride there fella.. :smoke:

Oh, and

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:58 pm
by huck
Welcome aboard and congrats on the car.

Not the Lummox of Briskoda?

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:14 pm
by Lummox
Thanks all for the warm welcome. X Box where to start??? When i bought in North Yorkshire i was very happy with it but after the drive home (Back up to Newcastle upon Tyne +/-80 miles) i noticed the oil level was on the minimum, I topped up the oil thinking they may have just left it short after servicing the vehicle. I then took the car out for an "enthusiastic" drive and put about 150 miles on it, but when i got home i noticed the oil level had dropped quite significantly and i noticed oil around the filler cap. I took the car to a friends garage and they said the oil breathers were gunked up and probably blocked. After changing them the problem has gone and she has done approx 800 miles since and never used a drop. Whilst my friend was using the vehicle after fitting the new breathers to do an oil consumption test the petrol pump packed in, (believe it or not the BM dealers were actually the cheapest place to buy a new one) so he fitted that for me. He said that because it has an LPG conversion the petrol pump is seldom used other than start up this may contribute to it seizing. Then on to the old favorite multidisc player common fault "NO DISC". after a little searching around on here and other forums I was advised to give a "good belt" but that isn't my style so i stripped it down and worked away at fixing it that way, now it works no problem. The only other outstanding fault that i have to report is the glass panoramic sunroof that i now know to be a common fault and more importantly a very costly one as well.

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:15 pm
by Lummox
Hi huck, no sorry it is not the Lummox from Briskoda.

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:31 pm
by Chompers
Hi and  :hi: aboard Lummox. An e53 iS LPG, can't be many of those around  8)

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:32 pm
by huck
No need to apologise! Just a name I recognise from my days there.

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:49 pm
by Lummox
Haha Chompers good one, Believe it or not that was not one of the selling points that attracted me to the car as i have never used LPG before and i was concerned about lack of power whilst on LPG and all the other horror stories i have heard but since buying the car and trying the LPG system i find no noticeable reduction in power when on gas and having recently got from Newcastle upon Tyne to Dundee +/-180 miles on 30 quid, I really can't grumble.

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:03 pm
by Chompers
Haha Chompers good one, Believe it or not that was not one of the selling points that attracted me to the car as i have never used LPG before and i was concerned about lack of power whilst on LPG and all the other horror stories i have heard but since buying the car and trying the LPG system i find no noticeable reduction in power when on gas and having recently got from Newcastle upon Tyne to Dundee +/-180 miles on 30 quid, I really can't grumble.

Good going indeed and even better no loss of power  >:D How does it compare to the e60 M5 you had? e39 540 was also pretty swift I guess.

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:11 pm
by Rusty
Welcome along. 

Is that a carbon black X you have there?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Hello one and all.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:19 pm
by Raj
Welcome aboard and huge congrats on the purchase.

I too went from an E60 M5 to my 4.8is and although at the time it felt like a huge comedown I love my X5.

Have to say, I'm really interested to know what LPG system you have as I'm very keen to go down this route with mine.