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Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:20 am
by 55NF
I can't believe the price of these.    Anyone got a used set ?  or know where I can get a set a bit cheaper?  It's the money, I just begrudge paying extortionate prices for items such as this

Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:49 am
by io1901 ... -4406.html

Do you mean this sort of thing?  Not bought any but aren't expensive at all.

Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:57 am
by X5Sport
The OEM built in ones also need new door cards as the blinds retract, and that makes them very pricy indeed.


Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:00 am
by 55NF
The OEM built in ones also need new door cards as the blinds retract, and that makes them very pricy indeed.


Thanks for that Richard, I'll not even enquire with BMW as to price.    Mothercare blinds are useless & only cover half the window. 

Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:05 am
by 55NF
Anyone have any aftermarket ones, like this? ... 9671507%26

Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:09 am
by X5Sport
Thanks for that Richard, I'll not even enquire with BMW as to price.    Mothercare blinds are useless & only cover half the window.

£290 for side, rear quarter and rear screen kit in 2011.  Not sure if that's for the retractable side window kit or not.  The rear quarter and rear screen ones are a fine mesh that Velcro's into place.  The blinds have a steel wire frame to hold their shape.  I had those in the E53 and have another set in the X6. I leave them permanently installed.


Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:10 pm
by io1901
Anyone have any aftermarket ones, like this?


There are the similar to ones in link I posted except more expensive.  I know people who have bought the Vanstyle ones and they have liked them - but they were for other cars.

Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:21 pm
by Don Coffey
Anyone have any aftermarket ones, like this? ... 9671507%26

If you get sorted I would be interested to see what you end up with.  I always spec new cars with the blinds but as the X6 is second hand, the OEM ones weren't fitted.


Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:20 pm
by MJim
The OEM ones are very good.  I was fortunate to spec on mine and they're pretty much up all the time (two little ones), and as said retract into the door when not in use.  Cover the full rear windows very effectively.  I'd found the stick on ones used on previous car to be a right pita, but then again there's a obviously a limit to what it's worth paying.

Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:10 pm
by X5Sport
[quote="Don Coffey"]
If you get sorted I would be interested to see what you end up with.  I always spec new cars with the blinds but as the X6 is second hand, the OEM ones weren't fitted.

X6 kit here.  Non-roller so probably need removing to wind the window down.  I have the rear screen set -  doesn't include the little window area behind the rear doors, and the OEM rollers.  RealOEM says 'Ended' so they may have gone out of production... :(


Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:59 pm
by 5wany
I have the rear blind for rear passengers fitted at spec build, I also got the additional BMW aftermarket ones for rear quater glass and rear windscreen, fit like a glove, good quality, but agree expensive (I had got them thrown in by dealer at handover  ;))

Regards Vanguard ones, I bought a set for an Audi Avant A6 S Line, I think it was about £120, very good quality and was happy with them, electric windows operated no probs, rear quater glass and rear screen fitted in with no prbs.  Only downside is rear window comes in 2 sections, so you have joint running down middle, TBH after a week or so you dont really notice - NOTE BMW rear window blind is in 1 piece.

Hope this helps

Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:22 pm
by 55NF
Thanks for the replies, I'll look into OEM & Vanguard & decide what to go for.  12 Months into ownership I'm loathed to pay BMW prices for these although may be forced to as I now have a 12 week old baby!

Re: Sunblinds for E70 X5

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:48 am
by X5Sport
Another option might be these things from Windowsox.  I've just got a set for the Mini as there are no other options or so it seems.  BMW/Mini have not made a set for the Countryman at all.

These go over the rear doors and provide a double screen effectively and also allow the window to be opened if necessary.  Not perfect, but fiven the other choices I've seen these look to be OK.  They did very well in an Autoexpress test a little while back.

£33 delivered, and made in Oz - so made by folks who probably know a thing or two about Sun protection.
