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Adaptive headlights
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:41 pm
by pionsee
I have a quick question to all those with a E70 with adaptive headlights...
I have noticed that turning the adaptives on causes the beam from the the right hand light to move slightly down and to the right, by more than I would have thought it should.
You can check it at night if you are parked in front of a wall with the steering wheel straight ahead, with the transmission in either Park or Drive. Flicking the lights switch from 1 (fully right) to A (fully left) activates the swivelling, but should it swivel right?? I thought it wan't supposed 't go move that far right to prevent blinding other motorists.
If any of you could check next time you're out at night I'd appreciate it! I've searched all the forums but can't get an answer. The car has recently been in the dealer and I don't know whether they've buggered it up. I don't remember it doing this before.
P.S. it's a 2011 plate 40d M-sport
Re: Adaptive headlights
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:44 pm
by xl5
i might be wrong but dont adaptive headlights only work at low speed..if i'm correct then yours should be ok..
Re: Adaptive headlights
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:49 pm
by 535dboy
Doesn't it swivel right for right hand corners
Don't forget if it is stationery then turning lights come on incl fog light in direction of wheel
Re: Adaptive headlights
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:50 pm
by Don Coffey
What you describe sound correct. When the lights swivel to the right, they are doing so to open up the corner to you, but they are not going to blind oncoming traffic as it will be no different to them, than if they were approaching you on a straight road.
Xl5, I believe that the lights swivel regardless of speed but is less noticeable at speed due to less imput from the steering wheel.
Re: Adaptive headlights
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:41 pm
by pionsee
Thank you for the replies.
I know that each headlight moves left and right to different degrees depending on speed, steering wheel angle and computed trajectory of the turn. if you're interested!!
What I'm trying to understand is whether the drivers side headlight should move to the right when you first turn on the adaptives with the car stationary and steering wheel pointing straight ahead. That's what mine does. You can test if it's parked a metre or so in front of a wall / garage door at night. Just flick the lighting switch from on (fully right) to A (fully left) and see what moves!
I would have thought that for zero steering angle, the lights should point straight ahead - as they do when auto headlights are inactive with the switch in the fully right position. I'm just a bit concerned that the beam is too far right and could be dazzling oncoming drivers.
Thanks again for your help and advice.
Re: Adaptive headlights
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:59 pm
by 535dboy
Oh I see what you are asking now
Afraid I don't know though because I don't have the car now!!
Re: Adaptive headlights
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:09 pm
by X5Sport
The adaptive Xenons do all sorts of odd things. Driving back in fog last night the dip beam drops a fraction and goes wider at walking speed, lifts and changes as you go faster and completely changes when main beam is applied (long and narrow pattern). And left/right turns it's all over the place too.
Never seen it go through all the motions before.....well weird, and distracting as it's kind of interesting in a geeky sort of way..... :-[.
Bonnie says her Mini does the same things (adaptives on that too).
Re: Adaptive headlights
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:19 pm
by Don Coffey
Thank you for the replies.
I know that each headlight moves left and right to different degrees depending on speed, steering wheel angle and computed trajectory of the turn. if you're interested!!
What I'm trying to understand is whether the drivers side headlight should move to the right when you first turn on the adaptives with the car stationary and steering wheel pointing straight ahead. That's what mine does. You can test if it's parked a metre or so in front of a wall / garage door at night. Just flick the lighting switch from on (fully right) to A (fully left) and see what moves!
I would have thought that for zero steering angle, the lights should point straight ahead - as they do when auto headlights are inactive with the switch in the fully right position. I'm just a bit concerned that the beam is too far right and could be dazzling oncoming drivers.
Thanks again for your help and advice.
Sorry, I also misunderstood the first post. Never looked at the start up closely before, but will take a closer look.