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just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:55 pm
by tiger78

Just won a set of alloys with winter tyres.  They are 177 style 18" genuine BMW(item number 261150617151)
anyone got any pics of an x5 with this size/type on?
put in a offer of £700 and they acepted so fingers cross they are as described.

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:14 pm
by MJim
Hi there.  Congratulations on the wheels - that's what I have on mine along with the Continental Winters as recommended by BMW.  They coped extremely well with severe conditions as I discovered in the Alps last year.  I also think they are good looking wheels.  Couple of photos:


This was most mornings last year in Switzerland - was able to clear the windows and just drive off ...


just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:04 am
by tiger78
Hi thanks for the response and pics , they don't actually look that bad , hopefully get them next week.

What's the X5 like to jack and do you now carry a spare or just tyre weld or something?


Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:53 am
by xl5
i see yours is a msport Jim so do the wheels/tyres look ok on ...

just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:07 pm
by tiger78
Mjim - I see on another thread you say you got yours from Germany - it wasn't a company called vopfelgen that they came from?

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:28 pm
by pvr
I really like that first picture.

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:44 pm
by X5msd
I'm looking for a set of these to
Pref no tyres

Thank you

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:43 pm
by MJim
Mjim - I see on another thread you say you got yours from Germany - it wasn't a company called vopfelgen that they came from?

Mine were bought from premium-wheels-hst.  Cost £950 (plus c£100 postage - thought was cheaper but just checked), mint condition with minimal tyre wear.  There are quite a few sellers as you will note and I would trust any with a large number of good ratings.  My main concern was how they would cope with being couriered.  They arrived in sturdy plastic bags with card over the visible wheel as protection.  Did the job nicely.

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:48 pm
by MJim
Hi thanks for the response and pics , they don't actually look that bad , hopefully get them next week.

What's the X5 like to jack and do you now carry a spare or just tyre weld or something?


Mine came with the official BMW recommended tyres - the Continental winters - so are runflats.  A concern that I had was how easy finding a replacement would be in the event of a puncture overseas, but they're much more common over there and you can't cover all bases ...

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:52 pm
by MJim
I really like that first picture.

Thanks.  That was snapped by my wife who is a photographer (no flash - and whilst we tried to heard two excited young boys off the road).  The crap one was taken by me.  :))

just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:05 pm
by tiger78
My current tyres are all Bridgestone so will go for them as they have the option

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:06 pm
by pvr
I really like that first picture.

Thanks.  That was snapped by my wife who is a photographer (no flash - and whilst we tried to heard two excited young boys off the road).  The crap one was taken by me.  :))

Yeah - best not mention that second one  :))

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:38 pm
by squeaky2
I really like that first picture.

Thanks.  That was snapped by my wife who is a photographer (no flash - and whilst we tried to heard two excited young boys off the road).  The crap one was taken by me.  :))

I can see that being next years christmas card from the MJim family  ;)

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:34 pm
by MJim
I can see that being next years christmas card from the MJim family  ;)

I like it, but an "ooo look at my big shiny car" card is probably an effective way to shed friends!  That slot is taken each year by our two boys - each year we have what starts as a sweet photo session with them trying to capture some cute angelic images ... and with the inevitable chaos always ends up decending into f'ing and blinding, bribery, the works!  Anyone with young kids will understand.  :))

Re: just won some alloys and snow tyres on e-bay

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:31 am
by 535dboy
I really like that first picture.

Thanks.  That was snapped by my wife who is a photographer (no flash - and whilst we tried to heard two excited young boys off the road).  The crap one was taken by me.  :))
