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Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:43 pm
by C320 UK
Hi, just thought I'd join up here as I'm thinking of getting an E70 X5.

Figured I'd research the forum and see what I can learn from existing owners. I'm also keen to do some minor mods too (depending upon what I get).

I've had an E60 5 series before and have driven an E70 quite a lot (my brother had one). The other car I'm considering is the F07 BMW 5 Gran Turismo.

Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:41 am
by 535dboy
Welcome and now in a Merc?

What age and model are you looking at?

GT is quite a good value car isn't it

Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:28 am
by Don Coffey
Hi and  :hi: to a great site.  Haven drive the E70 you know how good a car it is.  You will get a lot a good advice on here to any questions you have and will also find it a friendly and welcoming site with a few bouts of humour and banter thrown in.


Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:40 pm
by X5Sport
:hi: to the madhouse.......


Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:17 pm
by C320 UK
Thanks for the warm welcome. Yes we have a Merc too, a W203 C320.

We're looking for anything around a 2007/8 - most likely a 3.0d for the X5. For a GT it's most likeley to be a 530d. I just missed out on a GT earlier this week and just about 5 minutes ago I called about two which just got sold - I'm suprised they're moving so quickly, I thought the market was quiet at this time of year.

Out of interest, does anyone here with any experience of either of the petrol E70 variants, the 3.0si and the 4.8? The 4.8's in particular have huge specs typically.

It's going to be our main car, we've got two young kids (both under 5). My commute to work is less than a 10 mile round trip so I am a little concerned about running an older diesel having read horror stories about swirl flap issues and DPF problems. I've had an E60 520d but I ran that as a company car in a previous job where I was doing much more mileage and a longer commute.

Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:42 pm
by X5Sport
Swirl flaps should not be an issue as that really only applied to much older BMWs from 2005 or earlier as the design was modified.  Not all E70 oil burners may have them, though all the latest ones do.  The E53 3.0d was never saddled with them.

The DPF ideally should be given a longer run once in a while to 'blow the soot' out, but in all honesty mine does fine and it runs a 'regen cycle' when it needs it - the fans keep going to stop the heat under the bonnet from the DPF causing any trouble.

4.8s of course come with a serious fuel habit....but other than that the engine note is supposedly very addictive... :music:

Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:45 pm
by 535dboy
Friend had had two V8s

I don't think the sound was that noticeable, I'd be wanting to hear it more for the fuel penalty!

His co directors had twin turbo diesels and they each thought that they were the better car

Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:47 pm
by Don Coffey
I'm surprised by your experience about the GTs moving so quickly.  The car has had slow sales and there has been some fantastic savings on new prices.  I myself saw one spec'd to £58k reduced to £43k in local dealership last year.  Although with the 520s out now, that may help sales.

With regards to spec of the 4.8.  Like most BMWs the basic car is very similar to the 3.0i and d spec.  But someone with the cash to purchase and run a 4.8 may well have ticked more boxes.  I would take the time to build a car on the BMW website to see what options you feel are most important to you and this may help in the search and give you a better understanding of what's on offer.


Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:50 pm
by 535dboy
[quote="Don Coffey"]
I'm surprised by your experience about the GTs moving so quickly.  The car has had slow sales and there has been some fantastic savings on new prices.  I myself saw one spec'd to £58k reduced to £43k in local dealership last year.  Although with the 520s out now, that may help sales.

With regards to spec of the 4.8.  Like most BMWs the basic car is very similar to the 3.0i and d spec.  But someone with the cash to purchase and run a 4.8 may well have ticked more boxes.  I would take the time to build a car on the BMW website to see what options you feel are most important to you and this may help in the search and give you a better understanding of what's on offer.


They are moving because the price has to be competitive to shift them because they were not popular - real marmite car not knowing quite what it is!

Re V8s they have better standard spec eg xenons etc at that age and other bits.

Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:57 pm
by Don Coffey
Yes agree that the 4.8 will have a higher spec, like the lights, but given the much higher price etc. there was not a lot of difference.  From memory it was the likes of bigger wheels, squares exhausts.  I'm sure there was a few other extras but still maintain that building your own car on the BMW site will help focus the mind.


Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:58 pm
by 535dboy
[quote="Don Coffey"]
Yes agree that the 4.8 will have a higher spec, like the lights, but given the much higher price etc. there was not a lot of difference.  From memory it was the likes of bigger wheels, squares exhausts.  I'm sure there was a few other extras but still maintain that building your own car on the BMW site will help focus the mind.


The proper shaped exhausts are worth. £3k to some !!!

Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:06 pm
by Don Coffey
£3k!!! I take it in the early days the only option was to replace the whole exhaust?  And I think £450 for square exhaust ports on the X6 is extortionate!


Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:09 pm
by 535dboy
[quote="Don Coffey"]
£3k!!! I take it in the early days the only option was to replace the whole exhaust?  And I think £450 for square exhaust ports on the X6 is extortionate!


It was a joke in that square exhaust meant that much to some people

I think I paid £350 for mine.

Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:30 pm
by Don Coffey
Sorry, that went right over my head!  :'(


Re: Newbie from South Bucks

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:18 pm
by pvr
And to add - yes, my back boxes are being replaced due to that flaking of the chrome on my square exhausts, so a bit more than just push on bits.

Welcome to the OP by the way.