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Heated windscreen washer nozzle leaking

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:45 pm
by AW8
As title...........leak coming directly from base of same on drivers side.

when washers activated fluid leaks from hole in bottom of that nozzle.

Nearside nozzle underside has a light coloured plug/bung but the leaking part does not have same.

The part is currently removed and after some examination I have found that it comes apart. I have siliconed the leaking aperture but not confident this will hold......silicone currently setting.

Looked on relaoem and part number is 61667000119 ............listed for entire heated nozzle only.

I plan to sort  this by buying universal connector pipe/junction & swapping it out. Failing this a new or salvage heated nozzle.

Wanted to sort this sooner rather than later but very until weekend plus working Christmas

Anyone had similar issue(s).....................Thoughts ?

Re: Heated windscreen washer nozzle leaking

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:08 pm
by jaynana
i had the same issue at the time i bought the car.

there was a nice round hole at the bottom of that nozzle releasing fluid in the direction of the engine, which was covered in teh other nozzle. it must be some safety release plug that had come off.

i glued it up... can't remember with what, probably silicon, thought id replace it if it became a problem again, it didn't and the nozzles are working fine and i had forgotten about it until now.

Re: Heated windscreen washer nozzle leaking

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:25 pm
by AW8
Great.............thanks for replying

Thats it , looks like a missing grommet/bung.

Will give silicone 24hrs  and see how that goes if not try smearing a little superglue or other d.i.y.

Re: Heated windscreen washer nozzle leaking

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:01 am
by briankerrys47
My connection from the pump leaked via 'O' ring at the pump,sealed with silicone still holding after 2weeks and 600miles,Halfords do a small pack of rings don't know if one of them will fit yet but not 'panicking Mr Mannering'  ;)