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Noisy runflats
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:50 pm
by A1GSS
Did some test driving today. Shocked at how noisy the runflats are, really off-putting and totally spoiled the ride for me.
Anyone got a view? Or a solution, even better?
Re: Noisy runflats
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:15 pm
by X5Sport
Unfortunately that is one of the issues with RFTs as the stiffer sidewall transmits the sound into the car. Couple that to BMWs desire to save weight and hence the amount of insulation and these cars are noisier than earlier versions. Mine is definitely louder on the 20" set than the 19" winter set. Both sets are louder than the E53 was. Some road surfaces are fine, others are very noisy.
Apart from adding insulation into the cabin (not an easy task I imagine) all I can think of is to remove the RFTs when they wear out and replace them with non-RFT tyres. That will of course mean having to have the emergency skinny spare wheel kit added on a 5-seater (or X6), a can of tyre goo would be the only option on a 7-seater.
I have got used to it now, but I agree it is a niggle that could have been sorted out considering the market position the X5 & X6 are aimed at.
Re: Noisy runflats
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:09 pm
by A1GSS
Thanks, I wondered if it was just something I'd imagined. I certainly expected better for a £60k car.
Re: Noisy runflats
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:08 pm
by Horizon
Hi I had runflats on my last car, 530I E60, one of the rears was down to 3 mm, so I got a new run flat, what a mistake, £ 245 ! eventually I fell out with the noise and bumpy ride, it also felt very unsafe on rough road surfaces, used to jump around. ( 245 - 40 - 18's )
Fitted 4 new non runflats £ 90 each, luckly enough there was a spare wheel kit in the boot ( doughnut type )
the ride was transformed, as was the handling, usual forum rumours that the suspension would be too soft, as it was tuned to RFT's.!!! ( dont fit them to the M5's do they )
I would change any car iI get now from run flats, half the price and twice the ride, and last twice as long.
Also the run flats buckled the the rims, so had a vibration at 75 MPH, so had to change the rims in the end.
Re: Noisy runflats
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:38 pm
by A1GSS
Thanks. It's definitely not just me then!