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Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:22 am
by A1GSS
Anyone know whether it's feasible / simple to add or enable the Park Heating (Auxiliary Heater with Remote) feature to a diesel X5 that does not have this feature from new? It's Option #536 from new.

Also the Heated steering wheel...?

Any recommendations for independent experts that could carry this work out?

I can't find a used E70 that has these features so I'm thinking of buying one without, and adding them in...


Re: Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:32 pm
by X5Sport
Adding an OEM Webasto Parking Heater is quite involved as you need a fair bit of extra plumbing for water and fuel and the unit's exhaust lines etc.  You will also need the car coding so that it recognises that the system has been fitted. As a factory option it was about £1,200 and is no longer a 'default' on the diesels for some reason.

Some model years/models may have a retrofit kit available from BMW themselves, but don't expect it to be cheap!

If you have a look at Realoem, pick a version/year and then look under the 'Heater & Air Conditioning' section for anything to do with either 'Independent Heating' or Auxiliary Heating' you will see what is needed if the option is fitted.

Re: Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:19 pm
by A1GSS
Do the cars not have the actual Webasto heater (Thermotop C I think) as standard anyway? Diesel block heaters are very common...?

I'll take a look at that site too. Thanks

Re: Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:32 pm
by X5Sport
It appears from what I can find, that after the E53 X5 series (on which they were standard for diesels) BMW stopped fitting them as the default even if 'Auxiliary Heating' wasn't specified and they became a cost option - 536A.  This may be why you are struggling to find one equipped with the Webasto.  The diagrams all show three different sets of plumbing and only one shows the unit with Option 536A needed - the others have different control valves and no extra water pump as if the Webasto just isn't there any more.

Certainly my MY2011 X6 40d has no such device at all (I was surprised by that too, but the Dealer said it wasn't fitted 'as standard' anymore).

Exactly which year it 'disappeared' on I'm not certain, but hopefully some of the early E70 owners here will let us know...

Re: Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:47 pm
by petert
Aux heater not even available as an option in Canada when I got my 2010 E70 35D.  Got the heated wheel though, and I recommend it for cold climates!
Peter T

Re: Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:50 pm
by X5Sport
If the wiring for the heater is in place then the steering wheel option might be easy - well easier..... ;)

No retrofit kit showing though.....which kind of makes me wonder if the wiring loom only includes the necessary cables if specced 'at build' as BMW try to reduce overall production costs.

I'm wondering if emission controls had something to do with the Webasto disappearing as a standard fit for block heating?  Perhaps the new water flow control valve and use of 'all light alloy' engines means they aren't needed anymore?  ???  The retrofit kit is 'not suitable' for my car according to the parts lists, but is mentioned elsewhere so may be it's only avail in certain markets now.

Re: Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:37 pm
by A1GSS
Right, thanks folks. This might be harder than I'd hoped...

Re: Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:19 pm
by X5Sport
If the OEM solution is a non-starter, you could try a Webasto Dealer and see if they can do something?  I suppose the downside is that it won't be as 'integrated' as the factory one - which I think was what you were ideally aiming for?

Re: Adding Park Heating and Wheel Heating to an E70

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:41 pm
by A1GSS
Well, yes. I'll probably end up buying a new one...

I wish.  :))