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BMW Factory Option Codes - anyone got a list?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:31 pm
by X5Sport
I've just got a copy of the factory build sheet which is supposed to be a copy of what goes down the production line during assembly and it has a number of options which are selected by BMW and not part of the customer choice that we can make when buying a new BMW. Some are obvious like 812 UK Specification bur other are a mystery. I have no idea what they are, and nor did my dealer as he had not seen them before and they are not on his bulletin system. So my question is, does anyone here happen to know? I know it may be a long shot, but if you don't here goes:

8TL - Daytime Running Lights. Now I know what DRL's are and they use the rings and may or may not be LED. But I also seem to be getting Option 8TN which is also Daytime Running Lights. Are BMW now going to fit 'Audi' type lights as well (I do hope not!)?

And also, what is Option 6VC - Commo Controller? I have searched for all three codes on the web with no confirmed details as to exactly what these all are. Most of the discussions seem to be around when they will actually be on the Spartanburg built cars as they were due in September and may or may not have appeared. No one yet has their September built cars so there's no definitive answer. Some of the products will allegedly only come on E53, E71/72 from production week 40/2010 - whixh starts on 3rd October, or a month later than the 3er and 5er saw them introduced.

All the codes are flagged as 'AG Rule 100%' whereas all customer ordered codes are shown as 'Ordered'

Does anyone here know a knowledgable person 'on the inside' who can tell us?

Re: BMW Factory Option Codes - anyone got a list?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:33 am
by petert
Try this link for a rough translation. ... l=de&tl=en

Peter T