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Runflat Question

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:57 pm
by 55NF
I have the 21 inch 215 style wheels on my Sept 2011 X5. The ride is too hard due to the runflats & it's becoming a pain. What do I do for a spare if I go for non-runflats? I just want to soften the ride. If I'd specced the car from new I'd have still gone for the 21's , but with M Sport suspension deletion.

Re: Runflat Question

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:01 pm
by shadrack
Hope u don't get a puncture

Re: Runflat Question

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:30 am
by 535dboy
Can of foam sealant?

This is all I have in the Lotus and Audi so should work with BMW !

my only concern is if your car is still in warranty though because if you had an un-fixable puncture and needed roadsie assist, whether BMW would help you if you have changed the spec of your car.

Re: Runflat Question

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:02 am
by Chompers
[quote=""535dboy""]Can of foam sealant?

This is all I have in the Lotus and Audi so should work with BMW !

my only concern is if your car is still in warranty though because if you had an un-fixable puncture and needed roadsie assist, whether BMW would help you if you have changed the spec of your car.[/quote]

The chances of a can of foam working on a 21" tyre are slim IMO even if it fills the hole there is no way it would re-inflate the tyre and this is were your problem is. As with many punctures, they are normally down to a nail/screw and are a slow deflation. It would be worth investing in a battery type compressor hooked up to one of the points in the boot. You will be advised by any puncture by the TPMS.

As for BMW recovery, doubt this will be an issue. The recovery side of things in operated by Mondial ana as such won't know what spec your car is or care for that matter.

As for improving the ride by going to non RFL. don't hold your breathe. While it will help a little the main issue is the size of the wheel in combo with 'M' spec suspension.

Runflat Question

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:48 am
by scooby1doo1
Don't use the sealant repair stuff, most tyre places will refuse to repair a puncher if this stuff is used. So you have no choice in buying a new tyre.

But there are kits out now so you can do your own repair, not used one as I have a spare. But may come in handy for others that don't.

eBay item number 280615573513

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Re: Runflat Question

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:52 am
by 535dboy
[quote=""scooby1doo1""]Don't use the sealant repair stuff, most tyre places will refuse to repair a puncher if this stuff is used. So you have no choice in buying a new tyre.


As an emergency he would have no choice !

IF you use a runflat with a puncture you have to chuck that too !

Re: Runflat Question

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:47 am
by squeaky2
I ended up with this when I bought my winter tyres

Re: Runflat Question

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:03 am
by X5Sport
What you can do is install Puncturesafe into the tyres before you have a problem. It can be left in the tyres perfectly safely.

This stuff used to be called 'Ultraseal' and many motorcyclists, caravan owners and others have used it for years. It is a water based compound and doesn't make the mess that emergency foams do so isn't hated by tyre fitters (it just wipes off). It saved me at least twice on the motorbike as this stuff oozes into the hole and seals it almost instantly - certainly fast enough to save me from an 'off'.

Holes up to 0.25" can be sealed perfectly, with no effect on safety or handling.

Installing it is pretty straightforward as all you need to do is jack the car up to get the weight off that tyre, deflate the tyre and remove the valve. Fill the tyre with the recommended amount of purple gunk, re-insert the valve and reinflate the tyre. Repeat for each corner. Go for a 20-minute drive so that the gunk spreads out evenly and the job's a good un.

Puncturesafe told me I needed 19 'units' per wheel for the 20" rims. I haven't got around to doing it yet myself, but it on my list.

Runflat Question

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:54 am
by scooby1doo1
Sounds good but at what price is 76 units, also how many repairs can this stuff handle, because your not goimg to know you have a punsher. I have a slow puncher on my 19's but as I need new tyres I'm not getting it fix. Takes 2 weeks to go from 32psi down to 25 psi.

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Re: Runflat Question

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:15 am
by X5Sport
Cost is a lot less than a new tyre. Email them and they'll tell you how much you need, if you have a local supplier and how much it will cost. I can't find the mail they sent me (it's in an archive but I can't remember which one :oops: )

It will fix several holes and you won't get a slow puncture, or any air loss. It even seals around the nail etc. It leaves a layer of goo around the inside of the tyre which stays liquid so is always there to fill a hole. It's good stuff. :thumbsup:

It didn't affect wheel balance or anything.

Hopefully you won't be getting a lot of punctures!! We had a lot of building work going on around us a few years back and went through a spate of them, but that stopped when the building finished - funny that!