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Holding gears

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:58 am
by ITBarbie

More so recently I have noticed the car holding on to gears more for example hitting 3.5 before it changes down a gear so it almost gets to scream before the gear change. The mechanic I spoke to this morning said it may be the thickness of the oil and changing the filter mat help. He also asked if it was worse when it's cold as it will be thicker but can't say it makes much difference.

Had car for just under year and a half an was on approximate 57k miles when I've got it and now 71k. I have one light left before I hit Amber on the dash for service light.

Every time I ask BMW they say just go by the lights fir servicing and indicator for oil change. It seems like a long time to wait?

Anyone got any advice re gears and service/oil intervals?

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Re: Holding gears

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:44 am
by gmc15
It may be worth doing a reset on your gearbox to see if it helps.

Ignition on, press and hold the accelerator fully down (kickdown) for something like 30 seconds.

Worth a try :)


Re: Holding gears

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:49 am
by ChrisLux
I normally change my gearbox and differential oils every Inspection 2 .
It cost's another @ £300 , but I find with older/high mileage cars it's
worth the extra cost , especially the gearbox .


Re: Holding gears

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:52 pm
by pvr
My lurch was solved by the gear box oil change, a nice side effect from the leaking gearbox oil pan.

I would go for the software reset as well as it may have "learned" some start/stop traffic behaviour during your last trips or so.

Re: Holding gears

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:35 pm
by bullethead
I had a prob with my box slipping gears Jas found the codes when he remapped it, I thought it was me being a mong. Recommended a gearbox oil change. Got a friend to do it didnt change the filter though and its not done it since, well not that i've noticed.

Re: Holding gears

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:54 pm
by ITBarbie
[quote=""bullethead""]I had a prob with my box slipping gears Jas found the codes when he remapped it, I thought it was me being a mong. Recommended a gearbox oil change. Got a friend to do it didnt change the filter though and its not done it since, well not that i've noticed.[/quote]

Thanks everyone for the replies. Mong I have not heard that for a while we just 'tard now at home but I always said mong! :rofl:

I spoke to the Jason today and asked about a remap so going to get it in there in the next few weeks. He also said he would have a look at it. Happy days :driving:

Re: Holding gears

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:09 pm
by AW8

The BMW inspection is pretty much just that the only oil they ever change is the engine oil ( & filter).

The gearbox & diff oil are not scheduled by BMW to be changed - called lifetime fill, however, what defines lifetime is questionable - the figure of 100k miles has allegedly been bantered around though I cant recall the source or indeed accuracy of this info.

The pros and cons of changing BMW ATF, (Auto Transmission Fluid), plus auto box sump filter & gasket have been well discussed on various boards. Some advocate to leave well alone as a changfe can dislodge muck & cause a failure, others say change it but not over 70-80k if not already done & some say change it regadless if not prior done. I booked mine in to be changed but dealer wanted me to sign a disclaimer as they claimed one X5 customer insisted on a change, they did it by the book, reversed it off the ramp and the box supposedly failed........Pvr was luckier than me & his dealer not so twitchy.

On the flip side my indy reckons its a very worthwhile job to get done & he has never seen a failure on back of it. I expect I will get it done at some point.

If you do get it done outside of main dealer network make sure they use the correct and recommended oil, ( yes there's further mixed opinion re which ATF to use.............mainly stateside chat). I think I posted info re the correct ATF fluids a while ago. if dealer does it then try to get confirmation in advance that whoever does it has done so on a car like yours before. It's not quite as straight forward as changing the engine oil & actually if done properly the instructions to change same are quite specific re certain actions being required.

Re: Holding gears

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:14 am
by pvr
To be fair, my dealer did not have a choice. The sump was leaking and the gasket needed replacing, so all the oil would have run out at that stage.

Re: Holding gears

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:50 pm
by AW8
I noticed my leak very early. Gasket was weeping..................the dealer checked level & re-toqured the gasket nuts- no leaks since.

Holding gears

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:24 am
by jas328sport
I had the oil changed in my old 330 touring with no quibbles but when I took my then new to me x in to have the oil replaced they refused to do it unless I signed a disclaimer as there had been a couple of failures since I had my touring done.
They were very reluctant to do it and tried very hard to talk me out of it so I assumed there must be a good reason for it so didn't bother. My x has now done 73k and has never given me a reason to worry so I must admit that I am now reluctant to mess with it.