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Cleaning vortex style engine breather?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:35 am
by shaunos
Well I saw this mentioned a few times here i.e. people wondering if there was any maintenance required on the newer vortex style engine breathers?

Well as I was servicing my X this weekend (air,oil,fuel & cabin filters + oil) I decided to have a look at the state of the new vortex breather I fitted the last time I serviced the car to see if it had accumulated any crud during the last 8-10k miles and the answer was no, not really.. It had a very thin film of oil on it but that was about all. I sprayed some carb cleaner through it seeing as I had it off the car but it looks like a fairly maintenance free part to my untrained eye...

Just thought I'd share :)



Re: Cleaning vortex style engine breather?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:22 am
by X5Sport
I think the reason behind the change was to make this a 'maintenance free' fitment. No foam filter to fill up with crud. :thumbsup: