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Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:10 pm
by Turks
Arrived back home after a long day running around sorting out bits for the house, got out of the car and BOOM!

As soon as it happened there was the sound of air hissing and the front end of the car had dropped to its knees... Suspension Air-Bag exploded so a phonecall was made straight away to my local dealer who sorted everything. This morning they arrived to take it away and replace the parts today. Pretty pleased that so far it is going smoothly and no probs... will have to see how it goes over the next day or two until I get back.


Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:29 am
by Turks
Went to collect the car on Wednesday after they called to say the car was ready. Picked up the keys and went out to the car to find the car dipped to one side at the front. I went straight back in and handed the keys back for them to fix the other side too.

I'm glad that the car was like this in the car park before I left as they could see it with their own eyes and there was no argument.

Hopefully should be getting it back today so i get the weekend driving it before I go back to work.


Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:00 am
by kena
Wouldn't you think they would notice things like this before they called you, makes me wonder :?

Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:26 pm
by Turks
The service manager did say that he thought the other one was on its way out!


Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:18 pm
by X5Sport
I never got offered the BMW Extended Warranty (original dealer had ceased to exist by them), but I did take out Warranty Direct Luxury Car Cover and it saved me an absolute fortune when the auto transmission and Mechatronics Unit failed. I think the BMW quote was nearly £10k. It was rebuilt for about £3,500 all in and only cost me £50.

Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:41 am
by Turks
With so much technology to go wrong in the X5 and the E53's getting on a bit now, its a no-brainer to have warranty. The days of self insuring (using savings if something goes wrong) I think are long gone. I wouldn't do it that way - I like to know what is in my account is mine and not potentially BMW's!


Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:42 am
by x555
[quote=""Turks""]With so much technology to go wrong in the X5 and the E53's getting on a bit now, its a no-brainer to have warranty. The days of self insuring (using savings if something goes wrong) I think are long gone. I wouldn't do it that way - I like to know what is in my account is mine and not potentially BMW's!

But what's already gone out of your account is already in bmws!!! I have said before you pays yer money or you takes yer chances :D it can work either way,my last x had warranty which i extended and had to have work done that cost a small fortune and was covered by the warranty so it paid :yeah: :thumbsup:
When i purchased my latest it didn't have a bmw warranty so it wasn't extended and i didn't bother with all the others as most of them are s@?t anyway and it' has cost me a fraction of the bmw warranty in repairs :yeah: ..........however i am well aware that it could have cost a lot more!!

BTW i'm glad yours has come in Turks as that would have cost a packet to sort out :roll:

Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:28 pm
by Turks
Yeah I agree... if it was bought with BMW Warranty then it is probably worth extending but if it was bought without warranty then i'd take my chances too. I did it for peace of mind knowing that things like the Suspension Air-Bags and Pano-roofs can give up at the age of my car... now I have had both the suspension and sun-roof done i'm not sure I will renew next year.

I do think that it could be a good thing for re-sale to have the extended BMW Warranty... not saying it would increase the value but it might just tempt someone to by rather than one without? I probably would think that way...


Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:59 pm
by pvr
My warranty expires in 5 days :cry:

Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:19 pm
by Turks
Whats it going to be pvr? Are you a risk taker or risk averse? Are you living on the edge? Are you a man? :)

Have you bothered getting any quotes?


Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:29 pm
by pvr
The renewal came in as usual, full of errors. I.e. no franchised, higher excess etc etc.

Told them not interested as they messed about on the last claim for which I mostly paid myself (glow plug controller). They did not pay for diagnoses, the did not pay for removing ancillary items such as the manifold, they just paid for the component and the fitting of that one only.

Take away my own risk of £25, take away 40% as the car has 70k miles on it and I got next to nothing back of the £400 + bill.

As soon as I said I would not renew, they dropped the premium to last years value, added the franchised bit + reduced the access.

As I have semi-retired the X5 at the moment, I decided to not renew and run it as is. It has the full BMWSH, and I am pretty sure if I had a major issue that I would get good will. Does not hurt having the M from the same garage as well so they don't want to upset me too much.

Lets touch base next year and see how it went, assuming I still have the car then :)

Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:44 pm
by x555
I do think that it could be a good thing for re-sale to have the extended BMW Warranty... not saying it would increase the value but it might just tempt someone to by rather than one without? I probably would think that way...
Agreed i think this would be a good selling point as with the dealer warranty there's reasurance that the previous owner has dealt with any issues....thats the way i would think aswell ;)

Re: Glad I got the BMW Warranty now!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:56 am
by Turks
[quote=""pvr""]As I have semi-retired the X5 at the moment, I decided to not renew and run it as is. It has the full BMWSH, and I am pretty sure if I had a major issue that I would get good will. Does not hurt having the M from the same garage as well so they don't want to upset me too much.

Lets touch base next year and see how it went, assuming I still have the car then :)[/quote]

You have probably done the right thing. I may take the same gamble next year, although I might just wait and see what the renewal is. I am pretty happy with the way that BMW have performed with the Warranty work so far and it is nice to walk into BMW to collect your car without having to get your wallet out!
