First of all the arch kit will will be different depending if you have running boards or not.
51710017315 = Brushed Aluminum Running Board Retrofit Kit
51710398335 = LeMans Special Edition Front and Rear Flares Retrofit Kit (NO RUNNING BOARDS)
51710398336 = LeMans Special Edition Front and Rear Flares Retrofit Kit (WITH RUNNING BOARDS)
If you want to fit the 4.8is rear spoiler you will need to buy the kit seperate as no full kit is available that includes the 4.8is rear bumper extensions
3.0/4.4 – Front Flares and 4.8 Style Rear Flares (NO Running Boards).
NOTE: No Retrofit Kit available. You must buy all the pieces separately.
Part Number ------ Description ------------------------- QTY
51 11 1 944 537 -- EXPANDING RIVET --------------------- 6
51 11 7 073 517 -- MOUNTING PARTS SET (REAR SUPPORTS) -- 1
51 12 7 046 919 -- REAR SUPPORT BUMPER TRIM, LEFT ------ 1
51 12 7 046 920 -- REAR SUPPORT BUMPER TRIM, RIGHT ----- 1
51 71 7 002 953 -- BLIND RIVET ------------------------- 30
51 71 7 049 867 -- FLARED WHEEL ARCH, FRONT LEFT ------- 1
51 71 7 049 868 -- FLARED WHEEL ARCH, FRONT RIGHT ------ 1
51 71 7 049 869 -- FLARED WHEEL ARCH, REAR LEFT -------- 1
51 71 7 049 870 -- FLARED WHEEL ARCH, REAR RIGHT ------- 1
3.0/4.4 – Aluminum Running Boards WITH Front Flares and 4.8 Style Rear Flares.
NOTE 1: Must buy RB Retrofit Kit (51710017315). Also, get the additional parts below which will REPLACE the wheel arches in the RB Retrofit Kit with FLARES.
NOTE 2: If you already have RBs, then you ONLY need the the parts listed below and 26 Blind rivets (51717002953).
NOTE 3: The Front and Rear Flares are DIFFERENT for vehicles with or without RBs.
Part Number ------ Description ------------------------- QTY
51 11 7 073 517 -- MOUNTING PARTS SET (REAR SUPPORTS) -- 1
51 12 7 046 919 -- REAR SUPPORT BUMPER TRIM, LEFT------- 1
51 12 7 046 920 -- REAR SUPPORT BUMPER TRIM, RIGHT------ 1
51 71 7 051 035 -- FLARED WHEEL ARCH, REAR LEFT -------- 1
51 71 7 051 036 -- FLARED WHEEL ARCH, REAR RIGHT ------- 1
51 71 7 051 037 -- FLARED WHEEL ARCH, FRONT LEFT ------- 1
51 71 7 051 038 -- FLARED WHEEL ARCH, FRONT RIGHT ------ 1
This is what you get in the kit
And this is a few of the tools needed
A quick note before we start, the front can be done with the wheels on but the rear will need them removed due to the cutting required to the inside of the bumper.
OK fisrt of all you need to remove the center section under the running boards by using a small screwdriver and a light hammer to tap out the middle of the plastic rivets (dont worry about losing the center as you can use the center of the new arch rivets that snap off)
The 2 either end of the center need to be pulled and for some reason broke when removed.
So 4 of these were bought new 51 47 8 166 992
Be careful not to lose the 2 clips on the rear of the center
Once the center under the running board is removed you will need to do the same again with 2 rivets that attach the arches to the running boards
Then starting at the front arch again tap out all of the plastic rivets holding the arch in situ
Once you have tapped all the centers out and removed the remaining of the rivets the arch will simply pull away as this is all that is holding onto the car
You simply just pull the arch out and away from the direction of the running board (depending on which arch you are removing) and it will come away easily and you will be left wih this
Of course mine was cleaned before refitting LOL
As for the rear there is a slight difference but again you just tap the rivets out and the arch will come free but there is a clip that needs just to be pulled away from the car that you can just see the green holder. NOTE: WHEN REFITTING I COULD NOT GET THESE TO LINE UP SO I LEFT THEM OFF AND IT AHD NO EFFECT ON THE THE ARCH FITTING AT ALL.
Also before you can pull the rear arch away form the running board you need to unclip the weather strip and the arch will simply pull away from the car towards the rear.
Refitting is just the opposite to all the above but just make sure you slide the arch into the running board first. It sounds that simple but believe me the 4 arches are easy.
Now for the rear bumper extensions.....this is where it get tricky
First of all IMO the templates that come with the kit i did not use as you cannot be 100% sure they are fixed on the car in the correct position so i did this the old fashioned way, by offering them up to the car and making marks as to where i thought needed cutting.
I decided to cut off the 2 longer bits to get the actual fixings to touch the bumper to make my marks
Once i was reasonably happy with the marks i used a dremmel to make my incisions starting at the top and working my way down checking all the time with the extension until i was happy. NOTE: DONT BE TOO WORRIED IF THE EXTENSION WILL NOT FIT TIGHT AT THE TOP AS THIS WILL BE RESOLVED WHEN YOU TRIM THE INSIDE OF THE BUMPER.
All done
Then we need to move onto the inside of the bumper. All i did was to remove 2 srcews on the inner arch and using some wire hold the liner back (you can remove the bumper but it was done easily enough in situ). Then fit the extension and make where need to be cut away. Try and cut as little as possible as this gives the bumper strenth
All done
All that needs doing now is to fit the extension and push on the fixings at the rear
Once your happy the extension is a tight fit re-fit the arch liner. The last thing to do it one last rivet at the bottom bottom of the bumper extension that needs to be drilled and rivited to the bumper