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Howdy folks, just passing through

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:01 pm
by Junkie
Hi all,

It's been a short while since the X5 was taken on by a new owner, just stopped by for a hello!

Got a 2000 5 series 2.8 to tide me over for now, well specced and a tidy example for much cheapness.

Hilariously though the 50 pence bleed valve on the expansion tank was passing coolant, a quick fix with the spare one left over from the X!

Hope everyone is well and the beasts are keeping you interested, with no faults of course ;-)

@Mitch, I had red wine with chicken at the weekend.... ah, memories.

Business venture is underway, more news soon with an open day launch.

Be lucky

Re: Howdy folks, just passing through

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:02 pm
by pvr
Greetings :D

You are just missing the abuse, aren't you :)

Re: Howdy folks, just passing through

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:27 pm
by AW8
Hi Gareth

Busy weekend for Mitch :) :icb:

Glad all well

E39 528i serious vfm IMO

Good Luck with the venture :thumbsup: