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Three chirps....

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:38 pm
by CondorX5
Today, on two occasions, there was a "beep beep beep" tone while driving on the long road back to happened once when braking, and once on a roundabout. No error lights or messages and the car's performance was absolutely fan-tabulous (I just can't get over the roar of the big V8 :D and the incredible acceleration of the big body of the X.... ;) ) - does anyone know what it might be?

I thought it may be the tyre pressure system giving an audible tone, but there was no dashboard light and the tyres look fine - I guess the big 20" rims leave very little room for a drop in pressure and the pressure sensors may be quite sensitive ? Will check pressure when cold and see, but any other ideas welcomed.... :? .

Re: Three chirps....

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:30 pm
by Sanj
Is the memo option set to on? Were the on the hour?

Re: Three chirps....

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:47 pm
by CondorX5
Hmmm, they may have been.....what memo option do you mean? The only one I'm aware of is on the DSP amp menu....

Re: Three chirps....

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:54 pm
by x555
That will be the hour chime as Sanj says three beeps...i don't know how many people this has caught out when getting there x :rofl: me included :oops: i remember thinking omg what the hell is that and how much will it be to repair :lol:
It can be adjusted in the set up menu on the nav screen..............i'm surprized you heard it mind with the roar of that v8 :roll:

Re: Three chirps....

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:09 pm
by CondorX5
Thanks for that..... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: when I stopped for coffee en route I had the owners manual out and found ...nothing!!! :)
Will check out the nav menu - must have changed it inadvertantly when setting the volume. :rofl: And yes, it was barely audible above the V8, only heard it as I was slowing down.... :D

Re: Three chirps....

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:12 pm
by ITBarbie

It sound very much like the hourly alert as I got caught out with this as well as the beep when you go over a set MPH another feature. Glad your loving the car i've yet to go in one but I bet the power is fantastic :-)


Re: Three chirps....

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:23 pm
by CondorX5
Hi Penny,

OMG you just haven't lived till you drive the 4.8..... :D Overtaking is a bit like being in a plane just before takeoff on a runway..... :driving:

I dashed out and checked the set up menu and sure enough "memo" was on, so I switched it off. Can't recall hearing the blips before though, so heaven knows what they are indicating! x555 is probably right about the big V8 drowning out the sound most times as I only heard it twice on the 5 hour journey!! I'll see if it does it again tomorrow now that I've switched "memo" off, whatever "memo" may be - I wonder why some of these "features" are included on cars!!! :?