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Car adverts

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 10:24 am
by sapphireblack
I've been perusing car sales listings in various places, and several amusing repetitions seem quite prevalent.

Car has new breaks

New tyres with plenty of thread


I know I'm old school, but if you're selling something, please get the description right, or try harder. Maybe even wash your filthy car to attract a buyer?

Car adverts

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:50 am
by StuBeeDoo
I've noticed that ^^^ sort of thing, it's not confined to adverts for secondhand cars.

In the 2020s it's inexcusable, really. Doesn't anyone know how to use spellcheck? :headbang:

Recently I bought an item off everyone's favourite auction site, that should have sold for well north of £30. The title was full of spelling errors, and the description and starting bid both appeared to be AI generated. I appeared to be the only watcher, and the auction ended with my bid of £8:88 (the starting bid........) being the only one. Seller's loss, my gain.

........And as for not giving a car a decent wash and hoovering it out before taking pictures, that's just laziness pure and simples. :roll:

(edited to correct spelling error - lol :rofl: )

Car adverts

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:57 am
by lezmtaylor
Cannot bare(?) bad spelling use a dictionary or spell check.


Car adverts

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 12:00 pm
by sapphireblack
Glad I'm not alone in my thoughts :thumbsup:

Edited my original post, too. AI correction at work ☺️

Car adverts

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 12:13 pm
by StuBeeDoo
But the thing that really annoys me is the amount of buzzwords littering the headlines in my news feed.

Anything good involving children or animals....... "Adorable". :(

Anything bad happening to just about any living entity....... "Heartbreaking". :(

"[insert name of young female celebrity here] is PREGNANT!" (followed by an article worded as if she's the first woman to ever reproduce). Then, a few months later, pictures appear of said celebrity side-on and cradling her bump. A few months after that it's announced that she and her partner have "welcomed their child". Then, a few more months later, pictures appear of celebrity and her "adorable" baby.

There are plenty more buzzwords that boil my water, but I'm starting to get annoyed just thinking about them. :x

Car adverts

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 12:36 pm
by Leslie
Poorly listed = bargains on ebay and long may it continue, plus gotta love a bit of tyre thread except when it poking out the edges :rofl:
Any speeling mistakes of mine are intentional and at no extra charge to the end user :poke:
My personal favoutite is "spare wheel unused " as if this is a selling point although even getting a spare these days is a thing :headbang:

Car adverts

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 3:14 pm
by X5Sport
Aah yes, the ‘unused’ spare wheel note. It might of course be as old as the car and will fail them moment you put it on. I changed the E46 one at 14 years (used twice).

And yes, just having one would be nice. The tyre inflator kits are about half the price of a decent tyre!!!

I had a skinny spare with my Superb and as soon as it was fitted the car ‘knew’, locked out various functions and got really ‘naggy’ if I even remotely considered thinking about exceeding 50mph. It’s a good thing (probably), but really annoying.