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Gearbox clunk

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:33 pm
by Thesisqokid
Hi all i posted earlier about a clunk from under my foot, after having the car on the shaker the clunk is coming from the gearbox, anybody know what this could be, i have done a vid but it wont let me upload it

Gearbox clunk

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:16 pm
by StuBeeDoo
I assume it's coming from inside the 'box. Is it manual or auto? Is it when it goes into a specific gear? When taking-up drive?

Gearbox clunk

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:04 pm
by Thesisqokid
Ye inside box, can feel it under my foot by the foot rest. 2.0d manual. No specific gear, notice it when steerilg wheel is turned at lets say 9 oclock or 3 oclock ish, i dont notice it as bad when stationary apart from earlier on the shaker

Gearbox clunk

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 6:57 pm
by X5Sport
You’ll need to upload videos to an online site (such as YouTube) and link to it. We only allowed photos quite recently.

Gearbox clunk

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 7:03 pm
by X5Sport
If the prop was removed I wonder what else might be missing, like support structures. All I can think of is getting a photo of the bottom of one like yours with and without the underbody covers to see what might be missing. It could be as simple as the front prop is part of keeping everything lined up so it not being there could allow unwanted movements?

If you can get it on a set of ramps (at your friends garage) you can have a real good look and see if anything is either missing or loose.

Gearbox clunk

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:42 pm
by Thesisqokid
Ive come off the bypass then after turning left you will be able to hear it, i will try and get under it tmoz as im taking it to b plugged in see what fault codes are stored

Gearbox clunk

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:59 am
by sapphireblack
Will so many issues, let alone significant parts of this car actually missing, i'd have taken it back or sought legal advice, CAB are still free AFAIK. Private purchase or not, you'll still have rights.

I think you have unfortunately bought a cross bred mongrel of some significance. To have this car how it should be, the missing 4WD components are surely enough to make a case, or you poor if you correct all the faults.

Gearbox clunk

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 8:34 am
by Thesisqokid
Was stated sold as seen its obvious why the more i find, i was never expecting a minter for my budget and im happy t do bits and bobs, its being used as part family car part work horse. I'd rather have the job done and know its fresh and gona last a good while with it being lowish miles for the year. The main costs for me is going to be parts because i am more than happy to put my hand to a job and give it a bash at least. My dad is a vw specialist and told me about a local bmw indy that calls him whenever he needs his brains racking so he said go see him and see if he knows anything about it or has seen something like it before, so i finish at 1 today and il be popping down i think

Gearbox clunk

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 8:57 am
by sapphireblack
Budget rules most of us, but I am very aware that a perceived bargain often isn't. If you factor your time, energy, frustration and costs to sort this vehicle you could probably have done better with another example.

I don't mean to stoke the fire but I'd look into you rights before it's past the point. Sold as seen OK but with significant parts physically missing the seller has conned you. Innocently perhaps, but there is still liability 'd have thought. Citizens Advice people are legal and will help, even if the answer isn't what you'd like, and what you deserve.