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Question #2 - Bluetooth Connectivity

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:24 am
by Giblets
As part of my comms pack, my car comes fitted with Bluetooth prep.

Having read the guide it came with I managed to initially sync my phone (Nokia E72) with the car and entered the passkey. The literature indicated that every time I entered the car thereafter with bluetooth on, the 2 would sync again, but this doesn't happen, not even by manually attempting to link the two.

Anyone else had similar problems or do I require a model specific phone to work with the car?


Re: Question #2 - Bluetooth Connectivity

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:34 am
by RichardP
The Nokia E range don't work very well with the BMW Bluetooth system, something to do with the bluetooth implementation on the phone. Do you have the Assist TCU or no assist and the ULF?

Re: Question #2 - Bluetooth Connectivity

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:19 pm
by Giblets
[quote=""RichardP""]The Nokia E range don't work very well with the BMW Bluetooth system, something to do with the bluetooth implementation on the phone. Do you have the Assist TCU or no assist and the ULF?[/quote]

Thanks but I'm not sure what either of those abbreviations mean?