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Door lock issue

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:23 pm
by approved

The nearside rear door has been holding/dropping water when opened for a bit. Not always, but particularly heavy rain or a car clean etc.

Anyway, recently, when i locked the car, that door stayed unlocked ( looked locked but wasn't. you could open it and the alarm would go off) A couple of lock unlocks and it locked like the rest. Came back to it and unlocked and same door stayed locked. Happened for a couple of days after this but is now operating as usual.

Have booked it in the have the door membrane looked at and a new actuator ordered

Before I go and have that work done, is there anything else i should consider ( As in a potential other issue ,not be the actuator causing the issue, so wasting 150 quid etc)

thanks in advance
