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Bluetooth Module

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:16 pm
by Breitling1884
Hi All,

I'm looking for some advice from more experienced members; I disconnected the Bluetooth Module on my 2004 E53 in an effort to nudge the telephone back into life. Whilst doing so I found that a little water had got into the main connector block and had caused some corrosion and, it appears, a couple of the pins to break off in the connector block. I have found a number of the modules on eBay for a very good price but I am more concerned that I will need to replace the connector block and how difficult that might be! Does anyone have any experience in this area?

Many Thanks


Re: Bluetooth Module

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:04 pm
by X5Sport
Looking on Realoem to identify the pin type used will give you the part number you need. I’ve not worked on BMW specific connectors but have worked on similar system connectors for too many decades!

You usually need a specific crimp tool to assemble the wires to the pins but a small pair of snipe nosed pliers to bend the metal where the wire ends go, and a soldering iron (to solder the wires to the pins) is just as good. Then it’s just a case of putting the pins in the right holes.

Getting the damaged pins out can be tricky, but using a small electrical/jewellers screwdriver to push the pin locating tang in and allow the pin to be released is usually successful.

If you can get hold of some form of electrical contact lubricant (we use Electrolube) to keep the pins clean might be useful too.

Another option would be to get a wired connector with a few cms of wire tail still attached and splice it into your existing wiring colour by colour with a soldering iron and putting heatshrink sleeving over each join - to prevent shorts and it’s better than using insulating tape! Yes you need to cut off the connector on your car now. You MUST fully disconnect the battery and short the battery connectors together to neutralise any stray charge in the car.

Re: Bluetooth Module

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:10 pm
by Wayfarer
Have a look at for connectors with or without tails, hopefully they will be able to source any replacement connectors as required to enable you to get it up an running again

Re: Bluetooth Module

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:26 am
by Breitling1884
X5Sport & Wayfarer - Many thanks for your help and assistance!