E53 Front brake piston collar size
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:12 am
Hello everyone,
New member here, been browsing the site for a while after the purchase of my 2006 3.0d X5 but this is my first post.
I recently bought a caliper rebuild kit and some new front caliper pistons to sort my binding front brakes.
Upon reassembly I noticed I had been sent new pistons that had 9.6mm piston collars (I ordered the correct 6mm ones)
BMW changed the pistons to 6mm collar versions in Nov 2005 (as well as a different seal & dust cover).
Does anyone know if using the 9.6mm collar versions will cause a problem?
I know BMW must have changed the pistons to smaller collar versions for a reason, and i'm hoping someone can shed some light on why
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you in advance
New member here, been browsing the site for a while after the purchase of my 2006 3.0d X5 but this is my first post.
I recently bought a caliper rebuild kit and some new front caliper pistons to sort my binding front brakes.
Upon reassembly I noticed I had been sent new pistons that had 9.6mm piston collars (I ordered the correct 6mm ones)
BMW changed the pistons to 6mm collar versions in Nov 2005 (as well as a different seal & dust cover).
Does anyone know if using the 9.6mm collar versions will cause a problem?
I know BMW must have changed the pistons to smaller collar versions for a reason, and i'm hoping someone can shed some light on why
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you in advance