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Clock setting.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:53 pm
by sapphireblack
Not related to summertime switching but I adjusted the X6 clock last night and its off this morning showing 0.56 when it was 11.56.

I'm not a stranger to BMWs but am mindful that in the week I've had the car, I've set the clock maybe four or five times already and it seems not to stay set. I noticed when fuel went to reserve the clock time cleared to 0.00 and the service symbol illuminated. If that's a visual prod to fuel up fair enough but strikes me as odd. Refueled and reset the clock and all ok on Thursday until yesterday when I was tinkering a bit, doors opened and closed numerous times and now the clock display is wrong again and I briefly saw a horizontal spring like display so guessing the battery whilst functioning maybe isnt at peak.?

Check control says all good. Maybe it's an excuse for a nice long drive?

Re: Clock setting.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:59 pm
by X5Sport
These cars do not like doors open or ignition on for any length of time.  The electrical load is huge with the engine off so you may be suffering from a low battery - though you should get a warning about high battery discharge.  I get the warning after about 20 minutes!

With the cold weather upon us, a weak battery will get revealed, and short journeys are also a killer as you know.

If mine isn’t in use for a couple of weeks then I put the conditioner on it to keep it topped up.  Battery changes require the new battery to be coded to the car.

Re: Clock setting.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:03 pm
by sapphireblack
Understood and agreed, but the clock display zeroing/changing is a new phenominon to me.

Re: Clock setting.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:07 pm
by X5Sport
These cars also turn ‘non-essential’ functions off to allow you to start the engine.

Re: Clock setting.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:22 pm
by sapphireblack
Well I've not had chance to really enjoy it yet, perhaps this afternoon I should take it for a spin, albeit in the rain.