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X3 will not go into reverse
Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 8:11 pm
by Craig Robertson
My 2011 X3 with 63,000 miles will not go into reverse, it was a sudden failure with no previous symptoms. Independent mechanic reckons it is a failure of the reverse gear synchro. BMW are non-commital if they can help if this is the problem. BMW service centre mechanic has said the car doesn't have a reverse synchro (although I've read a few threads elswhere on this very problem). BMW are quoting approx £3500 + VAT for new gearbox if required + £150 for initial diagnosis.
I would be glad to hear if anyone can recommend a specialist in or around Edinburgh area or offer any advise.
Re: X3 will not go into reverse
Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 8:43 pm
by X5Sport
First hello and
Second....oh dear. BMW will only replace and don't do repairs! Their quote probably didn't include labour either!
If you have an auto box then it is very likely a ZF 8-sp auto. Do a search for ZF transmission repairers in your area. Most of the repair cost will be the labour getting the box out and in again.
The diagnostic cost will be no more than plugging a code reader in and seeing what it says.
Edinburgh Tranmissions might be able to help?
Re: X3 will not go into reverse
Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 9:08 pm
by Craig Robertson
Should have said, it is a manual. Had a quick look at Edinburgh Transmissions, think they are in America! Tried a few local transmission places and they are all a bit unsure about the required part.
Appears to be not a wholly uncommon problem, but BMW don't even supply the part.
All other posts I've read on other forums mention specialists in Englan, so if anyone can recommend someone in Scotland happy to give them a try.
Re: X3 will not go into reverse
Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 9:23 pm
by Horizon
I would imagine most gearbox refurb companies would be find the problem once the gearbox is out and opened up.
Unless it's a common problem with that gearbox, it could be anything Brocken inside the box.
Manual gearboxes are quite simple mechanical devices if you are used to stripping them.
I don't think any engineer will commit to diognosing the problem without looking at the car.
Good luck, hope you get it sorted.