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Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:52 pm
by jam60
Help......New owner and have not solved this one yet? I have paired my samsung J3 phone as per book yet when I try to use the steering wheel button to make a call it brings up the following No on my phone #96311113###741##85 and sounds like it making an internet connection???? no ring tones though. When I use my mobile to call anyone when in the car it does not connect and I have to talk using the phone????? Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted. Thanks in advance.

Re: Bluetooth

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:12 pm
by PokenH00D
Is it possible that someone has programmed a voicemail type number to the button?

Re: Bluetooth

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:01 pm
by CondorX5
I would delete all old phone pairings from the car completely, reboot yur phone and start again.  Does it connect with phones other than your own? Have you tried a different phone?

Re: Bluetooth

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:09 pm
by jam60
Hi, yes have tried to connect my wife's phone. Will try your suggestion but the wife pinched it todayfor work and left me her Kuga :(