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Roller dog guard

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:00 am
by steve853
Hi all,

Wondering if the mesh/ fabric part of my load area cover (the roller-blind looking thing) is in fact a dog guard? And if it is, what is it supposed to attach to up on the inside of the roof?

I've seen a few posts calling it a "luggage net" but unsure if that is the right term - it didn't come with the car, I bought it on (a popular auction site) as mine was missing.

Any advice, or especially photos of the fitted item would be appreciated



Re: Roller dog guard

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:24 am
by snrbrtsn
I'll assume your referring to this item
(My assumptions normally make me look foolish!)


Realoem suggests it's a divider net for luggage, though guess there's no reason it can be used for dog guard.
Though, it will give pooch a head rest.
From the picture, there should be addtional bracketry

02 Mount, upper left 1 51477145965 $12.00
02 Mount, upper, right 1 51477145966 $12.00

Re: Roller dog guard

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:55 am
by PokenH00D
My E61 had this.
Here should be 2 plastic hook type attachments near the roof lining for it to slot in to.

Re: Roller dog guard

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:58 pm
by Barney
Two flaps in the roof lining that open to reveal the slots to slip the net fittings into and keep it tensioned. I use mine as a dog guard to stop him jumping over.

Re: Roller dog guard

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:53 pm
by steve853
Thanks all, I don't seem to have the flaps, as the thing is not part of the original equipment.

I guess I'll have to make something up then!



Re: Roller dog guard

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:06 pm
by kenniff
Hi Steve

I bought a dog guard for my E70 from
Cotswold Hereford
Telephone Number: 01432 375555
I emailed them on, giving them my VIN number.

It also fits in my F15 as well.
It is secured by fitting over the lugs that hold the rear seat back in place. Its solid and doesn't waste boot space in the way some of the cheaper ones do. It cost £133.40 at the time (which was March 2013).

The disadvantage is that it doesn't slide up and down - you'd have to fold down the rear seats and remove it if you didnt want it there all the time, so not as flexible as a roller. However, I have no problem with it being there all the time.