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RESLER for sale

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:19 pm
by CondorX5
For anyone interested in retro bits of coding gear, I have a USB Resler unit for sale - I used to use it with Navcoder software which ran on XP, you can still download the software from the internet.  Works just like 1.4.0 and other coding gadgets, this was one of the early ones and I think suitable only for E53s,  not E70 and newer. You can code mirrors, alarm chirps and all sorts of bits and pieces with it. It is a little electronic device which plugs into a laptop port and needs a normal OBDI11 cable to attach to the car. Rolf Resler (who invented and developed it) still has an internet website with some details and newer developments.  Nice to tinker with if you have the time and inclination.  I don't have the software or other details any longer, though, just the hardware.

I remember Xdrivers having meets where our resident Resler expert, ITBarbie, used to code stuff on Xes for people........those were the days!

Anyone wanting it happy to post it to UK Mainland postage included for £10.