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Brake lights

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:22 pm
by Nictrix
Just had the bong to tell me that I have a brake light bulb out.
When checking the rear I have noticed that there are 2 bulbs in the cluster attached to the boot that do not light up as well as 1 of the outer bulbs in the cluster attached to the car body.
I find it hard to believe that 3 bulbs have gone at the same time and have not yet taken these bulbs out to see if they have blown or not.
Are these part of the brake lights or are they for something else?
I also found out that the rear fog lights are what I thought were the rear reflectors.

Re: Brake lights

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:01 pm
by X5Sport
Brake light system also has additional bulbs for when you have to execute an emergency stop.  These come on and flash under extreme braking.

If all have gone but the bulbs tests OK then the electrics or bulb holders are the likely cause - and well known if there is any sign of water ingress.

Fog lights are indeed low down in the bumper where the reflectors are.

Re: Brake lights

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:23 pm
by Nictrix
Yep, just got home, changed the bulb that had blown and have just finished reading the manual.
I was about to ask what these bulbs are for as they dont seem to be able to be tested to see if they work. But you have beat me to it.
I have checked them though and they are ok, but cant seem to find any reference to them in the manual.