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Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:49 pm
by sharpharp
Battled rough wind and rain tonight and mid journey got an AMBER "Low Tyre Pressure Warning" and to drive below 80kph wording on the dashboard. The picture showed all 4 tyres highlighted.
I've never had this warning before, so was just wondering a couple of things:
1) Why doesn't the warning say which Tyre it is? Surely if pressure is low, that's what the sensors are supposed to do right?
2) Could the rain have caused the warning?
I had a quick check in the rain when I got back and didn't notice any obvious deflated tyres.
I will be totally gutted if I have a puncture, I only got this new set of staggered tyres put on just over a month ago...
I'll check the pressures in the morning and do a reset and see how it goes. Just odd I've never had an issue before driving in all sorts of weather conditions.
Is there any way of reading the diagnostic code to find any further info?
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:21 pm
by Horizon
As you say, check the pressures, you will have Runflats, so it's not possible to see if the pressure is lower in one wheel, that's why it's law to have the tyre pressure warning system.
Mine only needs to loose 5 pounds and it's on.
Check and reset, aquaplaning could be a possible cause. Always best to check and reset on a regular basis with Runflats, as the wear can be horrendous if run incorrectly. in fact the wear is horrendous even when run at the correct pressures.
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:36 am
by sharpharp
Checked this morning, pressure was down to 0bar.... inflated it and took it to garage, even before they lifted the car I spotted a nail fizzing away in the centre of the tyre.... Took it to a few places, but nobody will repair it (with it being a runflat), so having to call back this afty to get it replaced.
Only had it fitted a month ago (cries) so I will be keeping the tyre for practicing puncture repairs on using that kit someone posted on here.
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:50 pm
by lezmtaylor
I used the kit as posted, did a great job sealing a''nail'' puncture.
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:06 pm
by X5Sport
I had my RFT puncture fixed with no problem. Some places won't touch but many will.
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:44 pm
by MattX
Your pressure warning system is nothing of the sort.
It measures a change in the circumference of the tyre when it has less pressure in. It only knows one/some are different than they were which is why it doesn't tell you which one is flat.
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:41 pm
by Pinewood
1. You have the older system that advises there has been a loss of pressure on one of the tyres. The newer TMPS system indicates which tyre and the actual psi.
2. You can get a runflat fixed or do it yourself. I had one plugged by a local backstreet garage up North, coming back to London in Feb 2016 and to date it's just fine. I had a 2nd puncture (damn runflats) in another tyre in August 2016 which I plugged myself using a kit from Amazon. This tyre is also running fine to date. So don't let BMW OR the big tyre chains tell you it can't be repaired.
The only proviso is if the internal structure of the sidewalls has been damaged, but running a few miles did nothing to my tyres.
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:22 am
by MarkG_M3CP
For reference, eTyres will repair run flats and come to you for £25 all in. You can get it done cheaper but it's convenient.
I'm guessing if you were down at 0 bar there is sidewall damage though.
Fingers crossed.
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:53 pm
by sharpharp
Well guess what........... After having to buy a new rear for that tyre a few weeks back, I had it in for a service.
I get a nice video sent by the dealer saying that I had a......puncture on the front tyre. WTF !!!!
That's two punctures in the space of a month on a BRAND NEW SET of Tyres.
This is another screw, but in the sidewall, so doubt anyone will touch it.
I don't know why, but I have a feeling this is more than a coincidence. I will only confirm this when I see the screw taken out and see if its the same as the last one. The only thing this time its a slow puncture and I have a bit of time to source another one.
Lately it just seems like I need a bank account solely for BMW repairs....
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:53 am
by Nat
Been there got that t-shirt.
E tyres do repair run flats but can't repair the 315 rears as their machines cant handle tyres that big. Thats fact by the way , been there done that.
Repair the tyre yourself. Just buy a tyre plugging kit on line , under £10 and its easy to do it yourself. It is easier to do it with the wheel off the car if its a rear one but it is possible in situ. The fronts you can turn the steering wheel to full lock and make the tyre poke out from under the arch and thats plenty of working space to repair.
When you get your kit , practice on an old tyre if possible just to get the hang of it.
Like you I bought a new rear tyre , but since then I have fixed the punctures myself.
Re: Storm Angus - Low Tyre Pressure Warning on dashboard....
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:40 am
by Pinewood
Well guess what........... After having to buy a new rear for that tyre a few weeks back, I had it in for a service.
I get a nice video sent by the dealer saying that I had a......puncture on the front tyre. WTF !!!!
That's two punctures in the space of a month on a BRAND NEW SET of Tyres.
This is another screw, but in the sidewall, so doubt anyone will touch it.
I don't know why, but I have a feeling this is more than a coincidence. I will only confirm this when I see the screw taken out and see if its the same as the last one. The only thing this time its a slow puncture and I have a bit of time to source another one.
Lately it just seems like I need a bank account solely for BMW repairs....
Runflats are more prone to picking up screws and flints, I'm totally convinced of it in relation to wider tyres. The winter rft 17's have been perfect thus far, so the summer 19's will have non rft's before they are put back on the car in March.