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Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:57 pm
by RenoHuskerDu
We are a double-X5 family but our court is blighted by two VWs including a lowly Polo that hurts me knees to drive. Why not sell the Polo and buy an E39, methinks?  A nice petrol model with something stirring under the hood? I found a buyer guide here ( but this XDriver forum has been very useful in the past, so I figured I'll give it a go and see if you have E39 advice too.

Or ... maybe another forum that approaches this one in quality?

Here's the baby in question:

Thanks for any of your thoughts.

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:47 pm
by themoog
I had an E39 525i. Brilliant car. Mine had the M sport kit on it so it was lower etc. I only sold it as I needed an SUV. I would defo get another but it would have to be a V8 auto and absolutely top spec/condition. They still look the part on the road.

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:05 pm
by robsey29
I have owned around 6 e39's and they are by far one on the best cars on the road to date. I currently own a e39 m5 and have had it for around 4 years absolutely no chance i will ever sell it, my advice would be do it as they are such a great car and pretty bulletproof.

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:31 pm
by graemeX5

I was going to suggest the M5, but Robsey has already extolled their virtues, To match up with the X5's you already have.

Alternatively you could even look out for an Alpinas version I think it may have been were a B10 or just a 540 would be good fun.

Hope that helps

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:08 pm
by henrym3
looks like your out of luck on here, no one seems willing to talk you out of an e39. So, good luck with which ever e39 you buy

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:54 pm
by X5Sport
Oh alright then....

Do not ever buy an E39! EVER!  


Thought not  :)

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:44 pm
by Denis O
Absolutely fantastic cars. I had a 540 Touring, just prior to my first X5; a 4.6.

If you can live with LHD, then I believe the M5 was available in Touring form in Germany. Lot's of space and high performance would be a great combination.

Oh, and Richard doesn't mean it.

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:24 pm
by Horizon
I remember many years ago (2001 ) there was a neighbor of mine got an E39, at the time I was running an E30 325i. I used to walk past it and enviously look in to see what was at the time a near perfect shape and interior.
Two years later I bought an E46 325i T reg, which was a smaller copy, brilliant car too.
Good luck with the search. ( test drove the E39 M5 , but prefer autos so didn't get it )

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:25 pm
by X5Sport
[quote="Denis O"]
Oh, and Richard doesn't mean it.

:ras: :ras:

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:37 pm
by AW8
Good cars........Never owned one but know some cureent & prior & owners.

Air suspension on the touring (estate) so check carefully.

M5 & Alpina mocels offer rarity & better residuals than most.

530i pretty bu!let proof.

Front end vibrations under braking quite common but can be sorted with some effort.

Solid cars but getting on a bit now so shortlist  with appropriate caution & inspect carefully.

Not able to talk you out of ownership - sorry.

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:01 pm
by Beanoir
Agree with AW8, apart from the M5 the 530i is certainly the one to go for.

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:21 pm
by Osprey
We had a stunning 525d Touring (2003) and toured France and Italy regularly. Its last couple of services were expensive incl. the cat,but didn't care as it was a dream. My only niggle was the rear door card which let water in and soaked the rear footwell. An easy fix I am told. we had the same colour combi as your pictures  :)

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:53 pm
by lezmtaylor
I had a 1998 3.5 v8 E39, easily the best car I ever owned , swapped it for a 98, 7 series (Ian Bothams old car !!)
then got the E53.


Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:15 pm
by X5Sport
I had a 1998 3.5 v8 E39, easily the best car I ever owned , swapped it for a 98, 7 series (Ian Bothams old car !!)
then got the E53.


I don't think you're helping...... :) :))

He said talk him out of getting one..... O:-)

Re: Talk me out of an E39, mates?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:14 pm
by Steamyrotter
Quite easy to get a gearbox out of.....

Had to replace the clutch...

Still miss that one, but not as much as the X5...