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E53 cd changer & sound issues

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 5:54 pm
by x5marv
Hi folks my e53 cd changer is not playing music but is working & find discs but no sound just a humming noise ? Also only have sound through the left side of the car the radio & nav are working and there is no water in the boot the red light on the top right side of the nav screen is on in the middle of the 3 lights is this normal? Am I right in thinking this is the amp I have looked at this & all conections are fine

Re: E53 cd changer & sound issues

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:43 pm
by X5Sport
The red light is for the phone system.  If I remember, red meant no signal.

Audio certainly sounds like the amp, but check all the plugs are fully home and pins clean.

Carphonics with a guy called 'Baris' is a good place for repairs and upgrades to BM54 amps.  Plenty of members have had theirs fixed and upgraded.

Re: E53 cd changer & sound issues

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:08 pm
by CondorX5
Almost certainly sounds like the BM54 unit in the boot.........the red light at the top corner of the nav screen is definitely for the phone ie no signal.  As to whether all the issues are might be a good idea to do a hard reset and disconnect the battery for a while then reconnect it, it might sort it out. Else its Baris or a new unit......