1 - Particulate Filter:
According to iDrive I need this changed (preferably NOT by BMW).
The car has done 95k miles and is a 2008. We've just done 1400 miles through France in the last 2 weeks driving so it has been used on long runs, not short journeys, which I read can cause issues. Should the filter need changing at this mileage? What causes it to 'go'. Have others changed their filter, and if so does anybody have an idea of what I should be paying for the work (labour and materials).
2 - Rear Pads:
This once is fairly standard. I also need new rear pads according to iDrive. What should these cost to replace and how long should the job take. A an idea of costs including labour and materials would be good please. I was thinking a couple of hours labour max and circa £120 for parts ?
Any advice much appreciated. Thanks in advance.