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Coding software or someone who can code aux heating in Essex

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:25 pm
by steve1986
Hi guys,

I am trying to find the best software for turning on aux heating or someone in the south east who can turn it in for me (not worried if it costs). I'm happy with all the other setting its just I want to start the road to making the aux heating timer work for them frosty mornings.

Many thanks


Re: Coding software or someone who can code aux heating in Essex

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:35 pm
by Horizon
Is the Webasco actually working when you first start the car, you should be able to see the smoke coming from the small exhaust beneath the passenger footwell and hear the pump pulsing/ clicking as you are driving along when the gem
Erasure is below 5 degs C.
If you can't it's probably got a dodgy PCB or burner etc.
If it isn't working below 5 degs C. I wouldn't bother activating the timer , as it will drive you scatty trying to sort it. By then it will be summer !!!! :)

Re: Coding software or someone who can code aux heating in Essex

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:17 pm
by steve1986
Oh dear.

I've had my head in the wheel arch hoping for diesel fumes but none lol !!!, every time I unlock or do anything to the car the fan starts and whirs but no hot exhaust. I suspect pcb failure as I don't think the fan should run all the time when unlocking and opening doors . Should I try giving it a 12v feed to the correct pin (1 I think) to see ?

The battery has been on its way out for s while and I have replaced this today with a nice new Bosch one and the car turns much much faster now. Would this affect ?

Being the person I am I need to sort this out unfortunately.

Would it be easier to buy a replacement unit. If so does anybody know what part number I need.

Could someone give me a brief list on diagnostic checks to run through.

I have seen the huge guide on herd but I'm looking of something brief like a quick start guide to diagnosing the webbo for idiots lol

Is there anyone in Essex or south east  who could diagnose and fix

Many thanks again


Re: Coding software or someone who can code aux heating in Essex

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:13 pm
by Horizon
Voltage can be a problem, the webasco will no boot up at low voltage, this is to prevent non starter issues.
Put 12 V to pin one.
I tried to get mine to work, but as yours fan would run, waterpump was ok but no smoke.
I opted to forget about it as we've had 3/4 cold days so far . Not worth the hassle in my eyes

Re: Coding software or someone who can code aux heating in Essex

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:17 pm
by AW8
If you dont fancy webasto  diy route then try calling PMW in Essex.......dont go into mega detail.Just indicatewebasto not working &briefly what issue may be. They will hopefully agree a price to diagnose when seeing the car &you can go from there. If  they cant do it ask if they know someone else who might help.

Re: Coding software or someone who can code aux heating in Essex

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:30 pm
by steve1986

I used to be a service advisor at Cooper BMW in Chelmsford. Peter Mould owner of PMW was a technician there before I started and although i am the other side of Essex I agree he may be a good person to contact. In fact you saying that has jogged my memory and I think a few of the tec's from Coopers went to work for him. I'm still in the trade but haven't really kept in touch with the people at Coopers as I live about 27 miles away (by the way if anybody needs any discounted Seat or Hyundai parts Im parts manager at a dealership in Essex so let me know if I can help  ) 

Thanks for the help again


Re: Coding software or someone who can code aux heating in Essex

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:33 pm
by steve1986
Thanks Horizon.

Will se if it fires tomorrow if cold enough.

Thanks again


Re: Coding software or someone who can code aux heating in Essex

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:59 pm
by X5Sport
The exhaust is under the front passenger seat, below the car