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E53 battery drain

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:54 pm
by mark6880
Hi here goes i am new on here so please point me in the right direction
I have a 2004 X5 3.0d with battery drain if i park the car up few a couple of days the battery goes flat i have been reading the forum's on this but not had much luck.i have put a new battery on and changed the hedgehog the car seems to go in sleep mode but not sure the p goes out and every thing seems to shut down but all the fuses are still live.
Please is there any one out there that can point me in the right direction.

Re: E53 battery drain

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:47 am
by X5Sport
The fuses will stay live as long as the battery is connected.  Sleep mode is when the electronics shut down into a standby condition, and that will turn the tell-tale LED off.

You are going to need to put an ammeter on the battery and see what the current draw is with the car asleep.  It should be around 40mA.  Chasing a parasitic draw can be a frustrating game.

Re: E53 battery drain

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:06 am
by X5-D-Sport
Now you have changed the hedgehog, has that cured the d
battery drain ??

Sleep mode engages after about 15 to 20 minutes... bit all the fuses wil remain live.

there are many systems on the vehicle that need to shut down, suvh as the amps, CD autochanger, the navigation unit and disk drive... and God only knows how much other junk...

If it starts the next morning... then you solved the problem...
Worry no more  :-)