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neutral and stall at speed

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:30 pm
by AdieG
Evening folks
Had a very odd problem driving home this evening. I've had a look on a few X5 forums and its been seen before but no one seems to have a resolution.

Driving up a slip road to join a dual carriage way, i was under acceleration, it may have even kicked down and i had no power. No warning lights no nothing. The gear box was in neutral and the car just coasted to a halt, luckily on the hard shoulder. I pressed the start/stop button and the engine started, i put it into Drive and it went forward, then stalled. the car then wouldn't start again.

I left it off while i called the breakdown people then tried it again as i thought maybe the gears had become confused. I started the engine first time and then put it into manual mode and went up and down the gears. The car then drove without issues. I was careful to drive slowly and gently home to make sure i got home. When i got around the corner from home I was tempted so i floored the accelerator to make it kick down a gear to accelerate hard and it did it again. I coasted to the hard shoulder again, started the engine again and drove home slowly.

Ive read this could be...

Battery issues
Fuel filter issues
Start/stop button issues

Anyone had any recent experience with this?


Re: neutral and stall at speed

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:45 pm
by X5Sport
I suspect you are going to need a visit to a Dealer and get a code dump done to see what errors are recorded.  Not all errors bring up a warning light, but will record in the error log.

There are too many modules that can cause this so a full check (takes about 30mins) may well be the fastest way to check.

Re: neutral and stall at speed

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:14 pm
by AdieG
Turns out it was three injectors were failing. OUCH!

Re: neutral and stall at speed

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:00 pm
by X5Sport
Ouch indeed!