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Historic insurance issue...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:00 am
by mark09
The now departed X5 E70 was in the body shop (not Bmw) after a little bump back in February this year.

A letter from the body shop landed this week demanding £500 as there was an admin error from the insurance side between the two companies. They claim my excess was more than the insurance quoted !!


Work was done
Work was signed off
Payment made to body shop (£250 excess)
Car handed back
Car sold
Insurance cancelled October.

Tbh I've not checked the paperwork on my excess (too busy playing with my new X5M [emoji12]) as I'm inclined to say it's the problem between insurance company and body shop company. And as far I'm concerned all was signed off.

Note that I've had no demand or contact from the insurance company.

It looks like the insurance company have knocked back their invoice !

What would you guys do ?? Do they have a case against me?

Re: Historic insurance issue...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:42 am
by Riggie
Depends on whether they are correct or not. If you had an expectation that you would have to pay this before it went it and you avoided it because of their mistake, then if it was me, I would pay it. It's about right and wrong.

Re: Historic insurance issue...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:56 am
by Don Coffey
I would be inclined to either ignore it or talk to the body shop explaining that as its their error and it was an insurance claim then they, the body shop should approach the insurance company as you have paid the excess and therefore paid your part of the bill.


Re: Historic insurance issue...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:14 am
by Denis O
Refer the letter to your insurance company. Don't get into any dialogue with the body shop. Their contract is with the insurance comppany, not you.

You'll probably find the body shop has already been to the insurer and been told to "do one" hence, coming to you.

Re: Historic insurance issue...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:03 pm
by pvr
Did you sign any paperwork at all or was it through the insurance company?

I would imagine that there is a clause somewhere that states that you are liable for any shortfall from the insurance company.

I had a not quite similar situation that for my window replacement - the insurance company paid me, the dealer did not ask me for money as they thought the insurance company would pay. About a month later they did ask me - and I paid it :)

Re: Historic insurance issue...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:51 pm
by mark09
The dealer made a little mistake telling me the insurance company won't give out my personnel or insurance cover details inc the excess amount, stating "client confidentiality " then they write to me suggesting the insurance company have confirmed my excess. Oops

Re: Historic insurance issue...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:52 pm
by mark09
Did you sign any paperwork at all or was it through the insurance company?

Only paperwork signed was to accept the work was complete satisfactory.