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Liber-t tag for French Motorway Tolls.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:46 pm
by 99ron
Anyone know how this works on the X5 E70?
I have option S358A - climate comfort windscreen and S3APA - Windshield with Grey Wedge!
The small black mottled area is full of auto-wiper sensor, lights auto-dip sensor etc.
Link below suggests you stick the tag on the back of that housing. ... .List/#3.0.

Can anyone confirm that works on this model?

Re: Liber-t tag for French Motorway Tolls.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 4:11 pm
by RenoHuskerDu
I don't have those two options but I do have adaptive cruise control which means a camera up there, and my French autoroute devices work fine. I can even leave one sitting on the dash somewhere and they work.  Is yours from Vinci Autoroutes, or another vendor?

Re: Liber-t tag for French Motorway Tolls.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 4:57 pm
by 99ron
Thanks for the reply. I am going with Sanef UK. Never used one before but I like the idea of shorter or no toll queues!

It's the climate windscreen I am concerned about that might block the signal. I think I could probably mount on the back of the rear-view mirror towards the passenger side as the light sensor is on the drivers side. Hopefully the signal can transmit through all the stuff in the casing covering the black dotted area. Worse case I will wave it out the window. :))

Re: Liber-t tag for French Motorway Tolls.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:03 pm
by RenoHuskerDu
Renault offered metallic thermal windows in their cars a few years back and I heard that it buggered up cellphone reception and garage door openers a bit, but never heard that caused trouble with the autoroute badges. There is a transponder in the badges, low power.

Indeed, there is nothing quite like sailing by a long line of lesser-prepared hapless folks in a long queue, whilst you simply motor thru the 30kph lanes with your badge.  During peak vacation days it can save you 10-20 minutes of wait at every toll stop.

Re: Liber-t tag for French Motorway Tolls.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 11:25 pm
by Rusty
The comfort screen on the E53 certainly stopped GPS signals and the only area not protected was by the mirror mount (visibly non protected area about 3" square? to the offside) but cannot comment re toll tags.

Re: Liber-t tag for French Motorway Tolls.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:29 pm
by rhinoman
We had one in the E53 in that area and it worked fine.

Re: Liber-t tag for French Motorway Tolls.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:47 pm
by 99ron
Well I am back from hols and the tag worked perfectly. I mounted it right next to the mirror mount/auto-wiper sensor. Tag has some setup costs but well worth it to save time lost to Eurotunnel delays.