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Fitting trickle charger

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:00 pm
by Dan1502
I have a CTEK baterry charger/reconditioner/trickle charger and have a few questions.

If I want to just connect it to recondition the battery as a one-off (or periodically but infrequently) am I best connecting it to the battery directly or using the jump start connections?

With my least car I connected the lead you get with the CTEK which you leave bolted to the battery connectors which then means you just plug the other end in when you want to charge it or leave it on trickle. (Once I've found it I'll have a better idea) Are there any procedures to follow in disconnecting and reconnecting the battery and what are they?



Re: Fitting trickle charger

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:18 pm
by pvr
Connect only to the charge points in the engine compartment. I have 3 cars hooked up like that, including the X5.

Connect positive first, then negative on the bolt near the wheel arch. Then switch the power of the CTEK on and change the setting to "charge".

To remove, take the power off the CTEK, then disconnect negative first, then the positive.

Re: Fitting trickle charger

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:21 pm
by X5Sport
Which CTEK is the appropriate one to get? There seems to be a number of options and given the cost I want to get one that will cover both Xs and the E46 as they have similar batteries performance wise. I know the OEM BMW unit is a rebadged CTEK.

Re: Fitting trickle charger

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:19 pm
by pvr
XS3600 is the one to go for.

Re: Fitting trickle charger

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:22 pm
by pvw10
+1 on Ctek they are the best, fyi the 3600 has been replaced by the 4003 so the 3600 are a fine price right now :O)

Re: Fitting trickle charger

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:35 pm
by pvr
5 year warranty, so no worries there. I have 3 of the blighters and I bought one for my dad as well.

Re: Fitting trickle charger

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:56 pm
by Dan1502
Mine's a Multi XS7000. I can't remember exactly what I paid but know I negotiated a heavy discount.

Re: Fitting trickle charger

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:22 pm
by ChrisLux
[quote=""Dan1502""]Mine's a Multi XS7000. I can't remember exactly what I paid but know I negotiated a heavy discount.[/quote]

They're generally advertised around £79.99 , coz I was thinking of upgrading from my 3600 , but the
guyz at Vertar said 'if it's working fine,why change it' , so I didn't bother .
