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Removing front window tints

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 10:03 am
by Origin Unknown
Hello, new member here and a new owner of a 2008 X5 M Sport :)

I'm trying to remove the tints from the front windows but it is not going as planned!  Watched a few tutorials, used a heat gun and for the most part, the tint and adhesive came off ok.  However, I couldnt get heat to the glass that sits in the frame around the edge.  Not sure if it's clear what I'm trying to explain but net-net is that the adhesive is still present on the glass and is grabbing at the rubber as the window goes up and down.

Can anyone provide guidance on how I remove the adhesive from this area please?

Gratuitous shot of my new car :)


Re: Removing front window tints

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 7:39 pm
by shadrack
last time i removed some the adhesive was removed with hot soapy water

Re: Removing front window tints

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 9:07 pm
by X5Sport
It might need something like Meths, White Spirit or Isopropyl Alcohol depending upon the type of glue.  Be careful to keep any of them off the rubber as much as possible.