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Hand brake adjustment

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:10 pm
by phill
Has anybody adjusted their hand brake. The car rolls forward when parked on a slight incline when in neutral, I have found this link for hand brake adjustment for a different BMW and was wondering if it is the same.


Re: Hand brake adjustment

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:05 pm
by macky
Yeah that guide is accurate for your car.
My parkbrake was ineffective when I bought my car a 2003 D sport, I assumed it would be adjustment only so adjusted the cables and shoes, I still couldn't get anywhere near a good parkbrake so I removed the rear discs/drums and was horrified with what I saw, shoes and brake drums worn to excess, drums severely pitted and red rusty and linings broken up,
I have now replaced discs/drums/shoes and parkbrake is great, but my advice is pull the rear disc/drum off and check drum/shoe condition.

Re: Hand brake adjustment

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:23 pm
by ali021205
Thats a very clear and well put together how to.

My X suffers from this handbrake prob, basically pull the handbrake up as far as it goes and nothing happens!!

Also when braking from a slow speed, i.e in reversing into the drive or in a queue there is squealing noise from the passenger side rear wheel....??

Re: Hand brake adjustment

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:42 pm
by Nige
My handbrake is useless, I`ll be following this guide and adjusting it. Thank you.

Re: Hand brake adjustment

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:36 am
by x555
It will always roll slightly forward on an incline with an auto.Someone posted a great explanation to this on the old forum but unfortunatly i can't remeber the full answer other than it moves so's to engage gear or something like that :oops: